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According to the Bible we are all the seed of Adam.据《圣经》载,我们都是亚当的后代。Adam grinned despite himself.亚当情不自禁地咧嘴笑了。Adam, could you hand around the cookies?亚当,你能分发一下饼干吗?His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat.他的喉结在喉咙里上下滚动。Lilith resented Adam's pretensions to superiority.利莉思十分厌恶亚当高高在上的架势。Adam went to get the car as Billie and Jenny said their goodbyes.亚当去开车来时,比利和珍妮就在互相道别。Adam told a lie to his mother.亚当向妈妈撒了谎。He realized the truth in Adam's words.他意识到亚当话语中的真实性。Adam took the seat opposite her.亚当在她对面坐了下来。The boy plucked at Adam's sleeve.男孩轻轻地拽着亚当的袖子。Adam led with his left and punched his opponent on the jaw.亚当先出左拳,一拳打在对手的下巴上。True to type, Adam turned up an hour late.亚当晚了一小时才到,这完全符合他的作风。That smile afforded her a brief glimpse of the other side of Adam.那个微笑让她窥见了亚当的另一面。Later that year she met Adam and she knew instantly that they were soulmates.那一年末,她遇到了亚当,立刻感到他们就是知音。Adam doesn't spend enough time on his studies.亚当在学业上花的时间不够。I started to explain but stopped short when I realized Adam was in the room.我开始解释,但是意识到亚当在房间里,我突然停了下来。Adam's in the top set for maths.亚当在数学成绩最好的一班学生中。Adam was my grandfather and I take after him.亚当是我的祖父,我和他很相像。My name's Adam Carver. Here's my card.我叫亚当·卡弗,这是我的名片。The boy plucked at Adam's sleeve.男孩一直拽着亚当的袖子。Adam designed and wrote the software.亚当设计并编写了那个软件。The strain eventually became unbearable, and Adam started seeing a psychiatrist.最后压力大得没法承受,亚当就开始去看精神科医生了。According to the Bible, Adam was the first man.据《圣经》记载,亚当是人类始祖。Adam and Eve tried to hide their nakedness with fig leaves.亚当和夏娃试图用无花果树叶遮掩他们裸露的身体。Adam rose abruptly from the table.亚当突然从桌旁站了起来。Why should she lend me money? She doesn't know me from Adam.她怎么会借钱给我?她根本不认识我。Adam experienced a tiny prick of unease.亚当隐隐感到一丝担忧。Adam Smith believed in the virtues of free trade.亚当·斯密相信自由贸易的好处。Adam was already about when I arrived.我到达时,亚当早就起床活动了。Didn't it strike you as funny that Adam wasn't there?亚当竟然不在那里,你不觉得奇怪吗?He glowered resentfully at Adam.他愤慨地两眼直瞪著亚当。Adam is clever enough, but he's also something of an egomaniac.亚当足够聪明,但是他也有点自私自利。Adam felt someone behind him and turned.亚当感觉到身后有人,便转过身来。We all went out to dinner, and Adam picked up the tab.我们一起出去吃晚饭,亚当付账。Mel nodded her thanks to Adam.梅尔向亚当点头表示感谢。Adam came out of the interview feeling quietly confident.亚当面试后出来,心中很有把握。Lewis was annoyed that Adam did not show enough respect and deference to him.刘易斯因为亚当对他态度轻慢、不够服从而感到生气。Adam and I dig each other the most.亚当和我最知心了。Adam's hands began to tremble as he opened the letter.亚当打开信时双手开始颤抖。Adam whistled happily on his way to work.亚当在上班的路上愉快地吹着口哨。 |