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词汇 to happen
例句 We cannot allow that to happen.我们不能允许那种事发生。I knew exactly what was going to happen next.我非常清楚接下来会发生什么事。We were tired of sitting around waiting for something to happen.我们受够了只能干坐着等待某事发生。It makes you want to watch the next episode to find out what's going to happen.这让人想要看下一集,弄清紧接着会发生什么事。Something like this was bound to happen, sooner or later.这种事注定会发生,早晚的事。All kinds of remarkable things began to happen.开始发生各种不寻常的事。A lot of the city's older buildings are accidents waiting to happen.城里的许多老建筑迟早都会出问题。I knew that something was going to happen, and I was very jumpy.我知道要出事了,心里很紧张。She felt that something else was going to happen and that it wouldn't be good.她感觉会发生些别的事,而且不会是好事。You never know what's going to happen when they get together.你永远不知道他们聚在一起会发生什么事。I had a queer feeling that something bad was about to happen.我有种奇怪的感觉,不祥之事即将发生。After months of waiting for something to happen, he decided to take matters into his own hands.等了几个月都没有结果之后,他决定亲自出马。I've tried fiddling with the knobs, but nothing seems to happen.我试着拨弄那些旋钮,但似乎什么作用也没有。My car broke down today. It was bound to happen sooner or later.今天我的车抛锚了,这事迟早会发生。I didn't mean this to happen at all.我并不想发生这样的事。Deep inside the awareness was stirring that something was about to happen.内心深处隐隐感觉到有什么事即将发生。I will not go on a plane. As far as I'm concerned, they're just accidents waiting to happen.我是不会去乘飞机的,照我看来,飞机就是在等着事故发生。It's not likely to happen.这事不大可能发生。It's theoretically possible but highly unlikely ever to happen.这从理论上说是有可能的,但是基本上不会发生。I want to make things up with her, but I don't think it's going to happen.我想和她和好,但是又觉得这是不可能的。It's such a quiet little village - it's the last place you'd expect something like this to happen.这是一个非常安静的小村子一这样的地方你绝对想不到会发生这样的事情。The campaign is a train wreck waiting to happen.这场运动可能演变成灾难。Perhaps I subconsciously wanted it to happen.可能我下意识想让这件事发生。They have set themselves for something bad to happen.他们对将发生的坏事已作好应变准备。The early chapters of the book signpost what is going to happen further on.这本书的头几章预示了稍后将要发生的事情。She was dead-on about what was going to happen.她对将要发生的事情预测极准。A lot of the city's buildings are accidents waiting to happen.该城市中许多楼房都存在事故隐患。Children treat the road as a playground. It's an accident waiting to happen.孩子们拿马路当运动场,这样迟早会出事儿。Any one of these nuclear plants may be a disaster waiting to happen.这些核电厂中的任何一个都可能会成为灾难隐患。You never know what's going to happen from one moment to the next.你永远不知道接着还会发生什么事。It's anybody's guess what's going to happen next.接下来会发生什么事情,谁都拿不准。What tends to happen is that students spend the first week of the course in a blind panic, but settle down by the second or third week.学习这门课程的学生经常出现这样的情形:第一个星期里会莫名地惊慌失措,但第二三个星期就会平静下来了。It's not the kind of thing you expect to happen in your own backyard.这并非是你期望发生在你身边的那种事情。It's likely to happen sometime soon.这件事可能很快就发生。The need to improve teaching standards is recognized; however, it is not something that is going to happen overnight.教学标准需要提高这是人所公认的,但是,那不是一夜之间就能实现的事。The nuclear power station was an environmental disaster waiting to happen.这座新的核电站可能对环境造成灾难性的影响。He said the only alternative was to starve the people, and he said this could not be allowed to happen.他说唯一的其他选择就是让人们挨饿,又说这是绝对不允许发生的。He had to happen along just as we were about to leave.我们刚要走,他装出一副不知情的样子冒了出来。Opponents say the government's policy is a disaster waiting to happen. 反对派人士说,政府的政策将招致灾祸。His sudden success is something you never really expect to happen in the real world.他的突然成功在现实世界里你想也别想。




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