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词汇 billion
例句 The sulphur dioxide level in the air was 32 parts per billion.空气中二氧化硫的含量是十亿分之三十二。More than a billion has been found for other causes.有十亿多资金被用于了其他事业。Chairman Gou donated 10 billion to NTU to create a cancer hospital. That was the biggest act of philanthropy of that year.郭董事长捐给台大一百亿成立癌症医院。这是当年最大的慈善之举。It may cost several billion roubles to make good the damage.也许要花上几十亿卢布才能赔偿这一损失。A vast American conglomerate has announced plans to buy the site at a cost of well over a billion dollars.一家庞大的美国联合大企业已经宣布计划以远远超过十亿美元的价格购买这块地皮。The company registered over one billion dollars in sales.公司销售额达到了十多亿美元。A billion stars shone in the night sky.夜空中繁星闪烁。The Energy Department plans to solidify the deadly waste in a high-tech billion-dollar factory.能源部计划在造价几十亿美元的高科技工厂里将那些致命的废料固态化。Survivors of the fire later brought a billion dollar lawsuit against the company.火灾的幸存者后来对该公司提起诉讼,索赔十亿美元。I've heard that excuse a billion times before. 那样的借口我听过无数次了。The money is a financial crumb compared to the needed billion dollars.这钱与所需的亿万元相比真是沧海一粟。The company is a billion-dollar operation.这是一家拥有十亿美元资产的企业。Losses from stores through shoplifting and pilfering amounted to over a billion dollars last year.去年商店由于失窃所造成的损失超过了十亿美元。This law is known to hold true for galaxies at a distance of at least several billion light years.已知这条定律同样适用于距离至少几十亿光年远的星系。The company's application to build a billion dollar leisure complex has been granted by city hall.公司建造价值十亿美元的休闲场所的申请已得到市政府批准。British Telecom made over $3 billion last year.英国电信公司去年赚了三十多亿英镑。Cosmetics is a billion-dollar industry.化妆品行业是个价值数十亿美元的产业。We could see a billion stars in the sky.我们能看见天上无数的星星。By the end of the war the Canadian government had borrowed over $5 billion from its own citizens.战争结束时,加拿大政府向国民借了五十多亿美元。The solar system was formed 4.5 billion years ago.太阳系是四十五亿年前形成的。The medicare cost is estimated to be one billion dollars.老年医疗保健费用估计为十亿美元。U.S. investments here topped one billion dollars.美国在这里的投资超过了十亿美元。A billion dollars is a vast amount of money.十亿元是一笔巨款。The newest wrinkle in the $2.5 billion cosmetics business is a lotion that camouflages creases.二十五亿化妆品生意中最新的一招是一种能够掩饰皱纹的润肤液。The final cost could be as much as one billion dollars.最后的费用可能高达十亿美元。The government spends close to $100 billion a year on education.政府一年花在教育上的开支将近一千亿美元。The concert attracted a worldwide television audience of over a billion people.这场音乐会吸引了全世界十亿多电视观众。Texas faces a budget deficit of over $4 billion.得克萨斯面临四十多亿美元的预算赤字。Five billion dollars is peanuts compared to what the government spends each year.相比政府每年的开支,五十亿美元不算什么。The population of China is over a/one billion.中国的人口超过十亿。Last year's profits were in excess of one billion dollars.去年的利润超过了十亿美元。More than a billion pounds have been wiped off share prices. 股价下挫了十亿多英镑。The new runway is a billion-dollar boondoggle.新跑道耗资十亿,却无甚大用。




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