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词汇 to get along
例句 He never showed up, but we managed to get along without him.他从未露面,但我们没有他也应付过去了。By thrift she managed to get along on her small salary.由于节俭,她得以靠微薄的薪水度日。We tried to develop plans for them to get along, which all failed miserably.我们试图计划让他们好好相处,但均以惨败告终。As a director, I'm always looking for good actors, but it's a bonus if they are easy to get along with too.作为导演我总是在寻觅优秀的演员,只是如果他们也性情随和就更好了。He's very easy to get along with.他这个人很容易相处。The applicant has had some experience in this kind of work, and then he is easy to get along with.那位申请人以前做过这种工作,另外此人很容易相处。He is an easy man to get along with.他这人脾气随和,容易相处。Her moodiness makes her hard to get along with.她喜怒无常的个性使人难以与她相处。He's a nice boy - very easy to get along with.他是个好男孩,很容易相处。The only way to get along with him is to humor him.与他和睦相处的唯一方法就是迁就他。I like to think I'm relatively easy to get along with.我愿意认为自己相对比较容易相处。They seem to get along with each other.他俩好像相处得不错。We managed to get along well under difficult circumstances.在困难的情况下我们也设法挺过来了。I'm weary of fighting. Let's try to get along.我讨厌争斗,我们尽量和睦相处吧。We haven't a great income,but we manage to get along.我们收入不多,但我们想法生活下去。She was too rambunctious to get along with.她太任性,很难相处。We need to rise above our anger/frustration and find a way to get along with each other.我们需要摆脱愤怒/沮丧情绪,找到一个彼此和睦相处的方法。Some people find her hard to get along with because she's so intense.有人认为很难与她相处,因为她过于严肃。It's impossible to get along with him.根本无法跟他和睦相处。She has always been easy to get along with.她一直是很容易相处的。




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