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词汇 to employ
例句 What do you go by when you're deciding whether or not to employ someone?你决定雇用谁或者不雇用谁的依据是什么?It was the first commercially available machine to employ artificial intelligence.这是第一台上市的采用人工智能的机器。The tactics the police are now to employ are definitely uncompromising.警方目前即将采取的策略明显很强硬。It's a waste of John to employ him on this easy work when he is so clever.约翰聪明过人,雇他干这样容易的工作是大材小用。 It is company policy not to employ smokers.公司政策禁止雇用吸烟者。The workers scored an own goal by demanding such high wages that no one could afford to employ them.工人们提出的高薪没有人能出得起,真是搬起石头砸自己的脚。I had to employ a lawyer to review the contract.我得请个律师审核一下这份合同。We can't afford to employ someone who isn't good at the job – business is business.我们不能找一个工作干不好的人 — 公事归公事嘛。We want to employ men of his stamp.我们要雇用像他这样的人。My manager will make the ultimate decision about who to employ.我的经理会最终决定雇佣谁。The Earl didn't have the money or good judgement to employ a steward to manage the place for him.这位伯爵既没钱也没有良好的判断力去雇用一名管家替自己管理这所房子。She agreed to employ me for a trial period.她同意试用我一段时间。Her husband was forced to employ a carer to look after his son Daniel.她丈夫被迫请了一个看护来照看儿子丹尼尔。He must have been out of his mind to employ her.他要是雇用她,准是发疯了。We'll need to employ a building contractor to do the work.我们得雇用建筑承包商来干这个活儿。You should find better ways to employ your time.你应该找到更好的利用时间的方法。The organisers have to employ performers to pull a crowd.组织者不得不雇些演员来聚拢人气。The practicalities of having two young children and working full time meant we had to employ a nanny.有两个年幼的孩子又要全职工作,这种实际情况意味着我们得雇个保姆。People gain valuable work experience and, in addition, employers can afford to employ them.人们可获得宝贵的工作经验,而且雇主们也能雇得起他们。




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