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词汇 to drink
例句 After his wife died, he turned to drink.妻子去世后,他就开始酗酒。If you give water to a small baby to drink, you have to boil it first.如果你喂婴儿水喝,必须先把水烧开。Would you like something to drink while you peruse the menu?你看菜单时是否想喝些什么?He ho-hummed when I asked him not to drink.我一不让他喝酒,他就发出“嗬—哼呣”不耐烦的声音。Perhaps that is why people turn to drink.也许这就是人们开始酗酒的原因。They gave her a strange brew to drink.他们让她喝一种奇怪的混合饮料。This water is not fit to drink.这水不宜饮用。People were continuing to drink infected water.人们仍在饮用有病菌的水。It's not safe to drink and drive.酒后驾车危险。You look a bit rough - how much did you have to drink last night?你看上去有点气色不好——你昨晚喝了多少酒啊?Open the bottle a few minutes before you want to drink it so that the wine can breathe.喝葡萄酒之前,把酒瓶打开几分钟,让酒香散发出来。Teenagers are not allowed to drink in bars, but in practice they often do.青少年不允许在酒吧中喝酒,可实际上他们常常去喝。She broke her promise not to drink.她违背了不喝酒的诺言。She'd had quite a lot to drink and kept tripping over.她喝了很多酒,一次次地跌倒在地。The water is unsafe for drinking. = It is unsafe to drink the water.这水不适合饮用。We had to drink the champagne from mugs.我们不得不用大杯子喝香槟。After all you had to drink last night, I'm surprised you don't have a hangover.你昨晚喝了那么多酒竟然没有宿醉,我感到吃惊。His private demons drove him to drink excessively for many years.他个人的心魔让他多年以来酗酒度日。The British pub isn't just somewhere to drink – it's an institution.这家英式酒吧不仅仅是喝酒的地方 — 它享有盛名。Some people try to drink their troubles away.有些人企图借酒消愁(或解忧)。He's far too macho to drink mineral water.他太讲究男子气概,不会喝矿泉水的。He egged me on to drink too much.他怂恿我无节制地喝酒。I don't want to sound rude, but I think you've had too much to drink.我不想显得无礼,不过你已经喝得太多了。He continued to drink despite advice to the contrary.他不听戒酒建议,继续喝酒。When we were younger, we used not to be allowed to drink coffee.我们小的时候是不让喝咖啡的。They preferred to drink themselves senseless.他们宁愿把自己喝得晕晕乎乎。I used to drink alcohol, but I don't any more.我以前喝酒,但现在不再喝了。He'd had too much to drink and tried to pick a fight with the bartender.他酒喝得太多了,想找酒吧侍者的茬。It is traditional around here to drink brandy with coffee as a morning pick-me-up.在这个地方,传统上把白兰地和咖啡混在一起当作早晨的提神饮料。The campaign aims to persuade people not to drink and drive.这项运动旨在劝诫人们不要酒后驾车。He snuffed out his cigar, and began to drink whisky.他把雪茄掐灭,开始喝威士忌。The water was not considered safe to drink.这水被认为不适合饮用。An important rule is to drink plenty of water during any flight.一条重要的原则就是每次坐飞机都要多喝水。The bylaw makes it illegal to drink in certain areas.地方法规规定在某些区域饮酒非法。It is becoming more acceptable for women to drink.人们比以前能接受女性饮酒了。I swear I haven't had anything to drink. Smell my breath.我发誓没有喝过什么东西,你闻闻我的口气。He used to drink down sorrow.他常借酒消愁(或解忧)。They stopped out half the night to drink.他们在外面喝了半夜的酒。A newspaper half jested: Had alcohol not already killed him, this would surely drive him to drink.一份报纸半开玩笑地写道:要不是喝酒已经要了他的命,这肯定会让他想要喝上一杯。I'd better take Tanya home - she's had too much to drink.我最好送塔尼娅回家,她喝得太多了。




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