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词汇 to divorce
例句 It is difficult to divorce sport from politics.很难把体育与政治完全分开。She is going to divorce him on the grounds of adultery.她以丈夫搞婚外情为由要求离婚。He has to divorce himself from any personal considerations.他得抛开任何个人的考虑。She decided to divorce her increasingly faithless and unreliable husband.她决定与越来越花心、越来越靠不住的丈夫离婚。It's not possible to divorce sport from politics.要让体育完全脱离政治是不可能的。He is unable to divorce fantasy from reality.他不能将幻想与现实分开。My father threatened to divorce her.我父亲威胁说要和她离婚。There is no truth in the rumour that Collins and his wife are about to divorce.柯林斯和妻子快要离婚的谣传毫不属实。He'd threatened to divorce her but I never thought he'd go through with it.他曾经威胁要和她离婚,但是我从不认为他真的会付诸行动。Couples may agree to divorce each other after a separation.分居之后,夫妻双方可以协议离婚。He made angry allusions to divorce.他生气地暗示要离婚。We have been able to divorce sex from reproduction.我们已经能够将性和生育完全分开了。The problem was, he had omitted to divorce his first wife.问题是,他没有同他的第一个妻子离婚。She wants to divorce him.她想和他离婚。They decided to divorce due to irreconcilable differences.他们因为不可调和的分歧而决定离婚。She still refuses to divorce him.她仍拒绝与他离婚。




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