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例句 A series of studies was made to discover the relationship between diet and behavior.人们对日常饮食和行为方式之间的关系进行了一系列的研究。Nora was mortified to discover that her daughter had been out drinking.诺拉发现女儿一直在外面喝酒,感到很没面子。I was amazed to discover that Mary's husband and Jane's son are one and the same (person).我惊奇地发现玛丽的丈夫就是简的儿子。An inquiry will be held to discover why the school's educational record is so bad.将进行一项调查以查明该校的学业成绩如此低的原因。I woke up to discover that he had gone.我醒来时发现他已走了。Charmouth Heritage Centre is the place to discover more about the natural history of the area.在查茅斯遗产中心,可以对该地区的自然现象进行更多探索。She was horrified to discover that he loved Rose.发现他爱罗丝,她感到很震惊。I was surprised to discover that I had lost my keys.我惊讶地发现自己丢了钥匙。The families of people who die in custody are in a legal no-man's-land when they try to discover what went wrong.被监禁人在监禁期间死亡,其家属试图查清事实真相时,却找不到相关的法律支持。In the movie, the two thieves try to discover whether the banknotes are fakes or the real McCoy.影片中,这两个小偷试图弄清楚那些纸币的真假。I wanted to discover my true self.我想找到真正的自己。From the garden you walk down to discover a large and beautiful lake.由花园往前走,你会发现一个宽阔美丽的湖。We were dismayed to discover that our daughter Louise had started experimenting with heroin.发现女儿路易丝开始吸食海洛因,我们很担心。The detective has to discover the motive, the means, and the opportunity and has to keep these three balls in the air.侦探必须把作案动机、手段和时机调查清楚,三者缺一不可。Haskell did not live to discover the deception.哈斯克尔至死都没有识破这一骗局。It took her several weeks to discover the solution.她用了几周的时间找到解决方法。Hire a four-wheel-drive vehicle-there are lots of spots to discover off the beaten track.租一辆四轮驱动的车子吧,在偏僻的地方还有许多景点等待去发现呢。They experimented successfully on the plants to discover disease-resistant varieties.他们成功地对植物进行了实验,发现了抗病品种。I was unpleasantly surprised to discover that I couldn't find my keys.我惊讶地发现我找不到钥匙了,心里非常不快。We tried vainly to discover what had happened.我们设法想要弄清楚发生了什么事,但却徒劳。Now it is your turn to discover the wonder of Bermuda.现在轮到你去探索百慕大的奇迹了。The idea of the game is to discover the murderer.这个游戏的目的是找出杀人犯。It took a lot of detective work to discover the cause of the problem.做了大量的调查研究工作才发现问题的原因。He's hexed to discover the antibiotics.他着了魔似的想研究出抗菌素 。His father was so disgusted to discover his son was dealing drugs he shopped him to police.他父亲发现儿子在贩毒时深感憎恶,就向警察告发了他。Journalists have been trying to discover if the senator really is as squeaky-clean as he claims to be.记者们一直想弄清楚参议员是否真像他自己所说的那样光明磊落。It was a terrible shock to discover the full extent of the problem.发现这个问题如此严重实在令人震惊。It is not at all certain that Christopher Columbus was the first European to discover America.克里斯托弗·哥伦布是不是第一个发现美洲的欧洲人,这根本不能肯定。I was stupefied to discover what was happening.发现了正在发生的事情,我感到极为震惊。The detective has to discover the murderer by logical deduction.那位侦探不得不通过逻辑推理来找出凶手。He was pleasantly surprised to discover that he was no longer afraid.让他惊喜的是他发现自己不再害怕了。She used the map to discover where she was in relation to her surroundings.她对照地图看周围环境来确定她所处的位置。He was fascinated to discover that they had both been born in the same town on the same day.他发现他们是同一天在同一座城市中出生,这令他极感兴趣。The fact that he was married to another woman was a shocking discovery. = It was shocking to discover that he was married to another woman.他跟另一个女人结婚了,这可是个令人震惊的发现。It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser.发现自己的投注对象输了是一件让人心烦的事。We need to discover what relevant expertise is available to us.我们需要找出有哪些我们可利用的相关技术。We may begin to discover overlaps.我们可能开始发现一致的部分了。It was difficult for the inspectors to discover which documents were important.对于稽查员而言,要弄清楚哪些是重要文件并非易事。He was put through a series of tests to discover what was wrong with him.他进行了一系列检查,想要知道自己得了什么病。Fire officers are still trying to discover the cause of the fire.消防员仍在设法查清起火原因。




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