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词汇 to declare
例句 You may have to declare that you have had an HIV test.你可能需要声明自己已经做过艾滋病病毒检测。Lithuania was the first of the Soviet republics to declare independence.立陶宛是(前)苏联中第一个宣布独立的国家。The government is ready to declare a permanent ceasefire.政府准备宣布永久停战。He was angry, but reluctant to declare war on his old friends.他很生气,但不愿意向老朋友宣战。There are severe penalties for failing to declare all your income to the Inland Revenue.未向税务机关申报个人全部收入会受到严厉的处罚。Today he became the second candidate to declare himself——thus blowing the leadership race wide open.今天他成了第二个自己宣布竞选的候选人,这样就使领导地位的竞争结果完全不能肯定了。Congress has the power to declare war on/against other countries.国会有权向他国宣战。They failed to declare all of their earnings on their tax return.他们未在所得税申报表上申报所有收入。Individual states do not have the power to declare war.各州无权宣战。Are you going to declare all that wine at customs?你打算在海关申报所有那些葡萄酒吗?The bell is ringing loudly to declare victory.钟声大作,昭告胜利。She had nothing to declare, and was starting to go through the 'Green' channel when she was stopped.她没有什么要申报的,便开始进入绿色通道,结果就在这时被拦住了。Members of parliament are obliged to declare all their financial interests.国会议员必须申报所有的利益关系。I have nothing to declare.我没什么要申报的。The company was forced to declare bankruptcy. 公司被迫宣告破产。You will have to declare these goods when you go through customs.通过海关时,你得申报这些货物。When are you going to declare yourself?你什么时候表态?Only Congress can authorize the President to declare war.只有国会才能授权总统宣战。The officials we met in the capital looked suspicious and tense, as if they were expecting us to declare war on them.我们在首都会见的那些官员看上去满腹疑虑并且很紧张,好像以为我们要对他们宣战似的。The power to declare war resides in Congress.宣战的权力属于国会。The government is ready to declare a permanent ceasefire.政府准备宣布永久性停火。It is difficult to quantify an exact figure as firms are reluctant to declare their losses.由于各家公司都不愿意公布所受的损失,所以很难得出一个精确的数字。The government has been forced to declare an amnesty for anyone who has not paid their taxes, because there are now too many to collect.政府被迫宣布大赦那些未缴税的人,因为逃税的人太多,无法把钱收齐。Congress is vested with the power to declare war. = The power to declare war is vested in Congress.国会被赋予宣战的权力。Congress is vested with the power to declare war.国会被赋予宣战的权力。It's too early to declare his efforts a success.现在宣布他的工作取得成功还为时尚早。The bank claims that the company's losses are the result of an ill-advised decision to declare bankruptcy.银行称,这家公司亏损是因为他们很不明智地决定宣布破产。You have to declare any earnings over a certain amount.收入在超过了一定数字后需要申报。I have nothing to declare.我没有要申报纳税的东西。




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