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词汇 to decide
例句 The jury's role is to decide the guilt or innocence of the defendant.陪审团的职责就是判断被告有罪或无罪。We're still trying to decide on a venue.我们仍在想法确定地点。Let's meet for lunch. I'll call you ahead of time to decide exactly when and where.我们见面吃个午饭吧。我会提前打电话跟你定时间和地点。We tossed a coin to decide who would go out and buy the buns.我们掷硬币决定谁出去买小圆面包。It was difficult to decide between the various options.很难在不同选择之间作决定。I'll leave it up to you to decide.我把这件事交给你决定。It's hard to decide which one's the better.很难确定哪一个更好。We drew lots to decide who should go first.我们抽签决定谁先去。We drew names from a hat to decide who would go on the trip.我们从帽子里抓阄,抓到谁的名字谁就去旅行。They flipped a coin to decide who would serve the ball first.他们掷硬币决定谁先发球。We have to decide what to do about dinner. I vote that we get a pizza.我们得决定一下饭该怎么解决,我提议吃比萨饼。An extraordinary general meeting to decide the company's fate will be held on Thursday.决定公司命运的特别大会将在星期四举行。Leave questions of guilt or innocence for the jury to decide.把有罪无罪的问题留给陪审团来裁定吧。The question of buying or leasing a car is really up to the buyer to decide on.是买车还是租车的问题确实要由购买者来决定。Vietnam is trying to decide on its course for the future.越南正在努力确定其未来发展的方向。Doctors should be able to decide who they can safely let out of hospital early.医生应该有权决定谁可以安全地提早出院。Before providing the cash, they will have to decide whether you are a good or bad risk.在提供资金之前,他们得确认你是不是信誉良好的贷款对象。The commissioners had exclusive jurisdiction to decide.委员们拥有专属管辖权进行裁决。The team's first task was to decide what equipment could be salvaged.该队的首要任务是决定可以抢救哪些设备。It was difficult to decide between the two.两者难以抉择。We drew lots to decide who would go.我们抽签决定谁去。They are having/holding a referendum to decide the issue. = They are having/holding a referendum on the issue.他们正就此事举行全民公投。We cannot say if he's guilty or not. That is for the court to decide.我们无法说他是否有罪,那该由法庭来决定。They drew lots to decide who should begin.他们用抽签的方法来决定谁先开始。They agreed to decide the matter by tossing a coin.他们同意掷硬币来决定此事。The jury has to decide whether the killing was an intentional act.陪审团要判定这起杀人案是否属于蓄意行为。They have to decide by next Friday.他们必须在下周五前作出决定。The court case was brought to decide who holds the copyright.这个案子要判定版权到底归谁所有。It's for you to decide whether you go to university or not - not your parents.上不上大学应该由你决定,而不是由你父母决定。Al's under the gun to decide by the end of the month whether to move with his company.艾爾因需在月底前决定是否和公司一起搬走而倍感压力。My brain worked fast as I tried to decide what to do.我试图决定怎么做,脑子飞快地思考着。People have a right to decide how to spend their own money.民众有权决定怎么花自己的钱。We are under no compulsion to decide immediately. 没有人逼我们马上做决定。The government has been accused of using artificial and inhuman criteria to decide which refugees should be deported.政府被指控使用野蛮的人为标准来决定哪些难民应该被驱逐出境。She was mentally competent and she had the capacity to decide for herself.她当时心智健全,有能力自己作出决定。Archaeologists often use their intuition to decide where to dig.考古学家们常常凭直觉来判断从哪里挖掘。Divisional winners meet in the final to decide the pennant.小组优胜者在决赛中相遇并最终决出锦标得主。The jury had to decide whether he killed John Bishop intentionally or whether it was an accident.陪审团得裁定他是故意杀害约翰·毕晓普的,还是这属于意外事件。Let's spin the coin to decide whether to go or not.咱们转硬币(以正反面)来决定去还是不去。We have to decide if this is a worthwhile commercial undertaking.我们必须确定下来这一商业项目是否值得投资。




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