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词汇 to cut
例句 One way to cut spending is to move from universal benefits to means-tested ones.削减开支的一种方法是将发放普遍津贴转为根据经济状况审查发放津贴。I find it almost impossible to cut with right-handed scissors.我发现用右手使用的剪刀我几乎剪不了东西。They planned to reduce staff and thus to cut costs.他们计划裁员,从而达到降低成本的目的。Firefighters had to cut off the roof of the car, so that the injured man could be lifted out.消防队员只得割开车顶,以便抬出那名受伤男子。The company sought to cut labor costs by increasing its efficiency.公司设法通过提高效率来减少劳动力成本。The gunmen paused only to cut the wires to the house, then vanished into the countryside.那些持枪歹徒停下来只是切断了连接到房子里的电线,然后消失在乡间。I was a waitress in a bar and he was one of my customers, and that, to cut a long story short, is how we met.我是酒吧女服务员,他是我的一位顾客—长话短说吧,我们就是这样认识的。Don't be too hard on them - they're just kids and they need to cut loose sometimes.别太苛求他们了——他们还都是孩子,有时候是需要闹一闹的。It's so difficult to cut even a couple of scenes from a play without losing some of the story.一个剧本即使只是删一两个场面,也很难做到不丢失故事情节的。In recent years, governments have tried to cut the Gordian knot by imposing cuts in state support to the railways.近年来,政府重拳出击,减少了对铁路部门的资助。We don't have enough money to pay for everything, so we'll have to cut corners somewhere.我们的钱不够支付全部费用,所以必须在某些方面节省。It's not beyond the realm of possibility that some schools may have to cut sport altogether.有些学校可能不得不完全砍掉体育课,这并非完全不可能。The EU has decided to cut farm subsidies.欧盟已决定削减农业补贴。I had to cut short my trip when my wallet was stolen.由于钱包被偷,我只得中断旅行。I will never forget all you've done for me, but it's time to cut the umbilical cord.我永世难忘你为我所做的一切,但现在到了我自立的时候了。Excuse me, but I'll have to cut you short.对不起,打断你一下。He refused to cut his hair due to his Rastafarian beliefs.因为信奉拉斯塔法里教,他拒绝剪去头发。Try to cut out the foods that are making you fat.尽量不吃使人变胖的东西。The new software makes it possible to cut and paste sound or video clips from one application to another.这种新的软件可以把一个应用程序中的声音或录像剪贴到另一程序中去。The aim was to cut off the enemy's escape route/supplies.目的是阻断敌人的逃跑路线/物资供应。It's a clever little gadget which you can use to cut vegetables into attractive shapes.那是一种设计得很精巧的小器具,可以用来把蔬菜切成漂亮的形状。She had the ability to cut through to the core of a problem.她能一下子就抓住问题的核心。They've decided to cut off funding/aid to the group.他们决定终止为这一团体提供资金/援助。Perversely, the rise in carjacking is indicative of successful measures to cut car crime in general.矛盾的是,劫车案件的增多恰恰说明全面降低汽车犯罪措施切实有效。We ran out of time and had to cut back our plans.我们用完了规定的时间,不得不压缩计划。The company needs to cut costs drastically if it's going to survive.这家公司如果想要生存下去,就必须大幅度降低成本。There's a temptation to cut corners when you're pushed for time, but it's not worth it.时间紧迫时你会很想走捷径,但这么做并不值得。We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intake.不断有人提醒我们要减少脂肪的摄入量。The company plans to cut a quarter of its workforce over six years through natural attrition and fewer hirings.公司计划在六年内通过自然减员和减少招聘把职工总数减少四分之一。Farmers have agreed to cut back wheat production.农民们已同意削减小麦的产量。We have managed to cut our costs drastically.我们已设法使成本大大地降低了。President Bush has ended the stalemate over moves to cut the country's budget deficit.布什总统已结束了在削减国家预算赤字的措施上形成的僵局。Water companies will have to cut down on wastage.自来水公司需要减少浪费。The drug has been shown to cut the risk of heart attack by half.这种药已被证明可以将心脏病发作的风险降低一半。He is always looking for ways to cut costs.他一直在想方设法削减成本。She had to stand on a ladder to cut the top of the hedge.她得站在扶梯上来修剪树篱的顶端。It's Ken's turn to cut the grass.轮到肯修剪草地了。These people do not have the equipment or the manpower to cut down the trees.这些人既没有设备又没有足够人手来砍伐这批树。I'm ready to cut loose and enjoy the weekend.我准备放任自己,好好过一个周末。We need to cut the pork out of the federal budget.我们需要削减联邦预算中的政治恩惠工程项目拨款。




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