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词汇 to cover
例句 If we structure the meeting effectively, I think we should be able to cover everything.如果我们把会议好好安排,我想所有的问题应该都能讨论到。Her sickness was a myth to cover up her dislike of the work.她的病是用来掩饰她厌恶工作的谎言。He grabbed a towel to cover his private parts.他抓过来一条毛巾挡住私处。The mayor attempted to cover up what was a clear case of police brutality. 市长试图掩盖一起明显的警察施暴案件。I wish he'd admit to his mistakes instead of always trying to cover his ass. 我希望他能够承认错误,而不是一味遮掩。They used special paint to cover up the cracks in the wall.他们用特制的涂料来遮盖墙上的裂缝。If nature abhors a vacuum, journalists abhor a transition, when there is little news to cover.好比自然界拒绝真空一样,新闻工作者则厌恶没有多少新闻可供报道的过渡时期。The story he told was a pathetic attempt to cover up a lie.他胡乱编造了一个情况妄图掩盖谎言。He copied Stella in on the email just to cover his back.他把电子邮件抄送了一份给斯特拉,就是想保护自己。The tax may be extended to cover books.该税可能要扩大范围,把图书也包括在内。He yawns, not troubling to cover his mouth.他打了个哈欠,都懒得抬手遮一下嘴巴。Job cuts were necessary to cover mounting costs.需要裁员以应对成本不断上升的压力。They possibly falsified the results to cover up the inadequacies of their theory.他们有可能篡改了结果,以掩盖其理论的种种缺陷。You should bring enough money to cover incidentals like cab fare and tips.你应该带上足够的钱,用以支付打的和小费之类的额外费用。Larger drawings tend to require two or three exposures to cover them.较大的图画往往需要两三张胶片才能拍下来。After the class trip was canceled, the money was reallocated to cover the cost of the dance.班级旅行被取消后,这笔钱被转用于支付舞会的费用。One metre of fabric is sufficient to cover the hatbox.一米布足以包裹住这个帽盒。It was impossible to cover the syllabus in a year.不可能在一年内教完这一课程大纲的全部内容。The shirt is long enough to cover your buttocks.衬衫长得把屁股都盖住了。There is enough money to cover existing liabilities.有足够的钱偿还现有欠债。I kept copies of my expense receipts, just to cover myself.我把花费的票据都复印保留了一份,免得让人挑出毛病。The state does not collect enough revenue to cover its expenditure.国家的财政收入不够抵付财政支出。The business is not generating enough revenue to cover its costs.这个企业入不敷出。He tries to cover up the bald spot on his head.他尽量将脑袋上头发脱光的地方遮盖起来。He received a per diem allowance to cover his travel expenses.他拿到了一笔日补贴以弥补他的差旅费。Use a canvas to cover the boat.用帆布把船盖上。He wears a cap to cover a spot of baldness.他戴帽以遮斑秃。He suspects there's a conspiracy to cover up the crime.他怀疑有人密谋掩盖犯罪事实。Let's get the meeting started. We have a lot of territory to cover today. 我们开始开会吧,今天有很多议题要讨论。When he meets a stranger for the first time, he always wears a toupee to cover his baldness.他第一次见陌生人时,总会戴一顶假发遮掩他的秃头。Because of restrictions on reporting, newspapers were not allowed to cover the story.因为新闻报道方面的限制,报纸不允许报道这一事件。Her legs were so swollen she had to cover them up.她的双腿肿得很厉害,她只好把它们遮住。The book is sometimes confusing because the writer tries too hard to cover all the bases.这本书有时令人困惑,因为作者过于追求面面俱到。Two reporters were sent to cover the war.派去两名记者采访有关战事的新闻。His tuition is paid, but he'll work to cover his living expenses.他的学费已经付了,但是他还要打工负担自己的生活费。Some of the money goes to cover expenses, but a large proportion is donated to charity.一部分资金用于填补支出,但大部分都捐给慈善机构。You'll need money to cover fees and expenses.你需要钱支付费用和支出。The summer term was very short and the teacher didn't manage to cover the whole syllabus.夏季学期很短,老师未能完成整个课程大纲。It had taken about ten minutes to cover the preliminaries.完成预备活动大约花了十分钟。I gasped and put up a hand to cover my mouth.我倒抽了一口气,然后用手捂住嘴巴。




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