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词汇 to budge
例句 Her mother refused to budge from London.她母亲不肯离开伦敦。They wouldn't budge on the issue. = They refused to budge.在这件事上他们不会改变决定。The door was stuck, and we couldn't even get it to budge.门卡住了,我们甚至都没有办法让它动一动。I got the other window open, but I just can't seem to get this sucker to budge.我打开了另一扇窗户,可这扇讨厌的窗户似乎一点都打不开。She absolutely refused to budge.她丝毫不肯让步。Treacy refuses to budge from his principles.特里西坚持自己的原则,不肯让步。It engaged all their strength to budge the stone.他们使出了全部力量来挪动那块石头。Their horses refused to budge.他们的马匹不肯挪步。The battle lines were drawn after the government refused to budge from its final offer.政府拒绝改变其最后条件之后,双方对立态势趋向明朗。It took four of us to budge the rock.得用我们4人才能推动那块石头。He was unable to budge the boulder.他搬不动那块大圆石。The Catholics refused to budge.天主教徒们不肯让步。He refuses to budge from his principles.他坚持自己的原则,不肯让步。Sarah dug her heels in and refused to budge an inch.萨拉坚持己见,寸步不让。




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