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词汇 to brush
例句 He got tired of hearing his mother tell him to brush his teeth, clean his room, blah, blah, blah.他听腻了妈妈的唠叨,让他刷牙、打扫房间,干这干那的。My Spanish is very rusty. I need to brush up before I go on my vacation to Mexico.我的西班牙语很生疏了。在去墨西哥度假之前,我需要好好温习一下。She stood up to brush the crumbs off her uniform.她站起身来把面包屑从制服上拂去。They come here to brush up on technology.他们来此以求提高技术。She took her hairbrush from her handbag and began to brush her hair.她从手提包里拿出梳子开始梳理头发。Once inside her apartment she felt an urge to brush her teeth.一回到自己的公寓,她就有一种想要刷牙的冲动。I need to brush up my Spanish.我需要好好温习一下西班牙语。You need to brush your hair before you go out.你出去之前得梳一下头发。My trousers got covered in mud, but luckily I was able to brush them clean.我的裤子上沾满了泥,不过幸运的是我能够把它们刷干净。I need to brush up on my Spanish.我需要好好温习一下西班牙语。Then she whipped out a hairbrush and started to brush her long hair.接著她迅速抽出一把发梳,开始梳理她的长发。The pitcher threw a high inside pitch to brush the batter back.投手投了一个高内角球,使击球手难以击出好球。I took a class to brush up my German before the trip.我在旅行前去听课来提高我的德语水平。I had hoped to brush up my Spanish.我曾打算好好温习一下我的西班牙语。Trust her to brush over her deeds.要相信她会改进她的行为的。I would like to brush up my zoology.我要复习一下我的动物学课程。Public libraries frequently have computers that people can use to brush up their IT skills.公共图书馆常常有电脑可供大家温习信息技术的技能。I'd like to brush up on my Italian before our trip.我们去旅行之前,我想温习一下意大利语。He needs to brush up his English before he goes to the U.S.他去美国之前必须先温习他的英文。




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