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词汇 to block
例句 I had to block the thought out of my mind.我得把这种想法抛到脑后。He has consistently tried to block the deployment of foreign forces in his country.他一贯设法阻止在本国部署外国兵力。We closed the windows to block out the traffic noise.我们关上窗户阻挡外面的车辆噪声。They used their considerable influence to block the legislation.他们利用自己的重要影响力来阻挠这项立法。In theory the British government could use its veto to block this proposal.理论上英国政府可以利用否决权来阻止这项议案通过。The army used electronic countermeasures to block enemy radar.军队用电子干扰装置来对抗敌军雷达。The ships manoeuvred to block the channel.军舰实施调动以封锁海峡。I just seemed to block when it came to taking a test.当开始参加测验时我确实似乎思维中断了。The function of this gene is to block the uncontrolled division of cells; it therefore prevents the development of cancer.这种基因的作用是阻止细胞失控地分裂,从而防止癌症。They made every effort to block her reelection.他们千方百计地阻挠她再次当选。He moved quickly to block her path to the door.他迅速拦住她到门口的路。Pitt planted tall trees outside his home to block rubberneckers.皮特在他家外面栽种了高大的树木以防有人窥视。As she left the court, an angry crowd tried to block her way.她离开法庭的时候,愤怒的人群试图阻挡她的去路。The government tries to block foreign sites deemed subversive.政府试图阻止他们认为有破坏作用的国外网站。Conservatives launched a furious campaign to block his appointment.保守派发起激烈的活动,阻挠他的任命。They have launched a campaign to block passage of the bill.他们已经发起了一波运动来阻止该法案的通过。They threatened legal action to block the merger.他们威胁说要采取法律行动来阻止合并。One of the men moved to block their path.其中一名男子上前堵住了他们的路。She put her hands over her ears to block out what he was saying.她用手捂住耳朵,不听他说的话。The attack was designed to block enemy supply lines.这次进攻意在截断敌军的补给线。The government will act this week to block extremist parties from securing seats in London's new assembly.政府本周将采取行动,阻止极端主义党派在伦敦新议会中获得席位。Religious interests may try to block this legislation.宗教利益集团有可能试图阻挠这项立法。He had always managed to block out the incident.他总能设法让自己不去回想那次事故。The statement clearly was intended to caution Seoul against attempting to block the council's action again.声明显然意在警告首尔不要再试图阻碍理事会的行动。Green campaigners are aiming to block development of the site.环保活动者们志在阻止开发这块土地。For years the country has tried to block imports of various cheap foreign products.多年来,这个国家一直竭力阻挠各种廉价外国产品的进口。He moved pretty smartly to block the goal.他相当巧妙地移动位置以拦住进球。The country has tried to block imports of various cheap foreign products.该国已设法阻止进口各种廉价外国产品。His room was dark, the shades pulled to block out the sun.他的房间很暗,窗帘拉下来遮住了阳光。Britain has threatened to block new EU legislation on human rights.英国威胁说要阻止欧盟新的人权法规。He says his political enemies have been conducting a stealth campaign to block his nomination.他说他的政敌一直在暗地里策划一场活动,以阻止对他的提名。You can always use opaque glass if you need to block a street view.如果不想从室内看到街景,可以使用不透明玻璃。He did his best this week to stonewall questions and to block even the most modest proposals.他这周竭力避免作出明确答复,甚至连一些最温和的建议都企图阻拦。The group has moved to block the government's proposals.该团体已采取行动阻挠政府的提议。Try to block up these holes in the wall.设法堵塞这些墙洞。A group of men suddenly emerged from a doorway and moved menacingly forward to block her way.一群男子突然出现在门口,并且向她逼近,堵住了她的去路。The special interests in the oil industry would like to block this legislation.石油产业的特殊利益组织想要阻止这项立法。We put on music to block out the sound of the traffic.我们打开音乐以盖过车辆的声音。Martha tried to block the mouse holes up, but new ones kept appearing.玛莎试图把老鼠洞堵住,但是新的洞又会不停地出现。He secretly tried to block her advancement in the Party.他暗地里设法阻挠她在党内的晋升。




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