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词汇 to beat
例句 The police had to beat down the door to get into the house.警方不得不破门而入。Fresh lemonade is a great way to beat the heat.喝新鲜柠檬水是解热的好办法。They turned in a gritty performance to beat a talented Swedish team.他们上演了勇敢击败天才瑞典队的一幕。See your doctor now to beat summer sneezing.马上去看病,把花粉过敏引起的打喷嚏治好。Murder raps were easier to beat in Texas than horse theft.从前在得克萨斯州,杀人罪反而比盗马罪更易逃脱。We managed to raise our game to beat them.我们超水平发挥,击败了他们。The team has been tough to beat on its home field. 这支球队在其主场难以被击败。We should be able to beat the bottom team in the league.我们应该能够战胜联盟中排名最后的队。We set off early to beat the traffic.我们很早就动身,以避开交通堵塞。It would give me intense pleasure to beat him at tennis.在网球上把他打败会让我产生强烈的快感。Most new restaurants fail, but this one somehow managed to beat the odds. 大多数新开张的餐馆都倒闭了,但是这一家却奇迹般地生存了下来。The fire was raging but we managed to beat it out.火势不断蔓延,但我们最终将它扑灭了。He threatened to beat her up.他威胁要毒打她。He was eager to beat the record.他急于打破纪录。A gang of bullies threatened to beat him up.一伙暴徒威胁说要狠狠揍他一顿。He had to beat the dogs off with a stick.他不得不用棍子把那些狗赶走。They are working to beat the band.他们正在拼命干活。She used a whisk to beat the eggs.她使用打蛋器打鸡蛋。It is highly satisfying for him to beat a formidable rival in the match.他在比赛中击败一名强大对手,大为得意。Cockburn decided it was time to beat a hasty retreat.科伯恩认为到了该紧急撤退的时候了。Hitler wanted to beat Roosevelt to the draw with his declaration of war.希特勒想赶在罗斯福的前面宣战。He came from nowhere, this rank outsider, to beat a field of top-class athletes.他这个谁都没有看上眼的选手一下子冒了出来,竟然击败了赛场上所有的顶尖运动员。We got to the store when it opened and managed to beat the rush.商店一开门我们就进去了,刚好避开购物高峰。Inadvertently he gave his enemies a stick to beat him with.他一时疏忽让敌人抓住了把柄。He was as eager as his Captain to beat the record.他和队长一样渴望打破这项纪录。These charges have given her opponents a new stick to beat her with.这些指控成为她的对手攻击她的新把柄。It's an expensive hotel, but that kind of service is hard to beat.这家酒店收费很高,但这里的服务也是最好的。She wants to beat out the purpose of my coming.她要追究我来的目的。England needed to beat Germany to get to the final.英格兰队必须战胜德国队才能进入决赛。The fire engines were going down the road to beat the band.救火车一路风风火火地疾驶而去。The company's profits are unlikely to beat last year's £10 million.公司不太可能突破去年的千万英镑利润。The recipe says to beat the cream until it forms soft/stiff peaks.食谱上写着要把奶油打成发泡状态/干性发泡。He and the other goon began to beat me up.他和另一个暴徒开始殴打我。The country's lack of openess was used as a stick to beat it with.这个国家在公开化上的欠缺经常被人当作把柄。He can be very tough to beat when he gets his competitive juices flowing.他一来劲儿就很难打败。The winds were contrary;we had to beat about for two days.正碰上逆风,我们的船只好迎斜风行驶了两天。Youngsters learn nothing so fast as how to beat the system.年轻人对如何钻制度的空子学得最快。She used a hammer to beat the metal into shape.她用锤子把金属块捶打成形。I never saw anything to beat that — by the holy poker, I never did.我从来没见过有什么东西能比得过那个,的的确确,我从来没见过。His wonderful performance will be hard/tough to beat. = His wonderful performance will take some beating. 他表现得那么出色,很难有人能够超越。




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