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词汇 to attack
例句 We have to attack these problems now and find some solutions.我们必须现在就处理这些问题并拿出解决方案。Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.吉辛用小说中的第二自我攻击维多利亚时代的道德观。They decided to attack civil and military communications centres.他们决定攻击民用和军用通讯中心。The commander decided to attack the enemy on both flanks.指挥官决定从两侧对敌人发起进攻。Troy is a strong and prosperous nation based around a city whose walls have proven impregnable to attack.特洛伊是一个强盛的城邦,中心城市的城墙坚不可破。Smith's anger got the better of him once again, and he started to attack the referee.史密斯又一次无法控制自己的愤怒,开始抨击裁判。Terrorists tried to force him to countermand the order to attack.恐怖分子企图迫使他撤销进攻的命令。He bought a dog with the intention of training it to attack intruders.他买了一条狗,打算训练它攻击入侵者。He has laid himself wide open to attack.他使自己极易受到非难。Their tanks would be vulnerable to attack from the air.他们的坦克容易被空中袭击摧毁。They are concerned about the city's susceptibility to attack.他们担心这座城市易受到攻击。That he should dare to attack me!他竟胆敢攻击我!I string along with him about the way to attack.我同意他的进攻方案。Prospero uses his magic to attack them.普洛斯彼罗用法术攻击他们。If you run away from the bull, it's almost certain to attack you.如果你从公牛身边逃走,那它几乎是肯定要攻击你的。The cat hogged himself to attack a big dog.那只猫拱起背向一条大狗发起了攻击。We will not be satisfied until this city is safe and invulnerable to attack.只有这城市安全可靠、牢不可破时,我们才会满意。The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge.步兵部队正在向前挺进攻打山脊。Eisner has made himself all but impregnable to attack.艾斯纳使自己几近坚不可摧。He went mad and tried to attack someone.他行为失常,试图攻击别人。Police dogs are trained to attack in certain circumstances.警犬受过训练,会在某些情况下攻击人。The best plan is to continue to attack him to the utmost of our power.最佳方案就是继续不遗余力地攻击他。She was just about to attack a plate of spaghetti when the phone rang.她正要狼吞虎咽地吃一盘意大利细面条时,电话突然响了。It was a high-risk strategy to attack with such a small number of planes, but it was brilliantly successful.用这么少的飞机进行攻击是风险很大的行动计划,但却获得了极大的成功。General Powell consulted with the President before giving the order to attack.鲍威尔上将下令发动进攻之前曾与总统商议。He commanded his troops to attack.他命令他的部队发起进攻。The fort was vulnerable to attack from the north.这个堡垒的北面易受进攻。He tried to attack me.他试图强暴我。Tribal leaders are accused of inciting their followers to attack rival tribes.部落酋长被指责煽动部下攻击对立的部落。The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge.步兵部队那时正向前挺进攻打一处山脊。Napoleon's army was weakened and the British, for their part, were eager to attack.拿破仑的军队被削弱了,而就英国方面而言,他们正急切地要发起进攻。When he discovered an intruder in his backyard, he sicced his German shepherd to attack.当他发现有人侵入他的后院时,他就下令他的牧羊犬进行攻击。He goaded his opponent on to attack him.他刺激他的对手向他进攻。The position lies quite uncovered and open to attack.阵地全无掩护,易受攻击。For them to attack the Liberals for racism is nauseating hypocrisy.他们攻击自由党搞种族歧视是令人作呕的虚伪行径。The next morning we received the long-awaited order to attack.第二天早上,我们接到等了很久的进攻命令。The army planned to attack enemy arsenals.军队计划攻击敌人的军火库。The company reformed, ready to attack again.连队重新建制,准备再次发起进攻。All admired his boldness in sailing into an enemy harbor to attack their ships.他驾船驶进敌人港口攻击敌舰,大家对他的勇敢都很钦佩。The best way to defend is to attack.防御的上策为攻击。




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