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词汇 to arrive
例句 He purposed at some point to arrive at the Social Club.他打算什么时候去社交俱乐部转转。I thought it would be a good idea to arrive early.我想早点到达是个不错的主意。We were still cleaning the house when the guests started to arrive.客人们开始到达的时候,我们还在清扫房子。First to arrive are the idlers, the members of the crew who do not stand watches.首先到达的是那些不值班的船员。The guests are due to arrive here next week.客人们预定下周到此。We're still waiting for the first batch to arrive.我们还在等待第一批的到来。It's very upsetting to arrive home and find that your house has been burgled.回到家时发现家里遭人行窃,那真是非常令人苦恼的。An excited crowd waited for the singer to arrive.一群人怀着激动的心情等待着歌星的到来。Mal's car had broken down en route and the AA patrolman had taken an hour to arrive.马尔的汽车在途中抛锚了,汽车协会的巡视员花了一个小时才赶到那里。A deluge of manuscripts began to arrive in the post.大量的手稿开始通过邮递涌来。According to protocol, he was to arrive at the meeting exactly five minutes early.按礼节他应该提早正好五分钟到会。I didn't expect the furniture to arrive in pieces.我没想到家具送来的时候是散件。I'm going to arrive early because I don't want to miss a thing.我要早点儿到,因为我不想错过任何东西。It took the firefighters just three minutes to arrive.消防员只用了三分钟就赶到了。He's inclined to arrive late.他经常迟到。He won't be there until six o'clock, but I expect to arrive before that. 他要六点钟才到那儿,但我预计我会在那之前到。He was the umpteenth person to arrive.他是许多人到达之后才到的。We aim to arrive there at around noon.我们计划在中午前后到达那里。We expect them to arrive before long. 我们预计他们很快就到。Thousands of devoted fans waited in the rain for the group to arrive.成千上万的忠实歌迷在雨中迎候这支乐队到来。I am scheduled to arrive at noon.我预计中午到达。She was first to arrive at the party and last to leave.聚会上她最早到,最晚走。It generally takes about a month for the shipment to arrive.通常,货物要一个月之后才能到达。We were expecting the letter to arrive by now.我们料想这会儿信已经到了。The problem with letters is that they always get lost or take forever to arrive.写信不好的地方就是总是弄丢,不然就是很久才寄到。Monday is the last day to send cards by post to arrive by Christmas.星期一是邮寄贺卡能在圣诞节之前收到的最后一天。Police had to wait for backup to arrive before making any arrests.警方只得等待后援到来之后才进行逮捕。They are supposed to arrive tomorrow.他们应该明天到。The package failed to arrive.包裹没有寄到。She extrapolated from last year's data to arrive at her estimate.她根据去年的数据推出了一个估计值。If our luck holds , we should be able to arrive on time.如果还这么走运,我们应该能按时到达。It is important to arrive in good time for your interview.面试时一定要及早赶到。People were queuing up for the new Harry Potter book to arrive - hot off the press.人们排队等着《哈利·波特》新书上架—刚刚出版的。You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up.你姗姗来迟,我们几乎认为你不来了。She felt giddy with excitement as she waited for his train to arrive.在等待他乘坐的火车到来期间,她兴奋得难以自持。His lunch did not take long to arrive and found him poring over a notepad covered with scrawls.不久午餐就送来了,当时他正埋头于一本满是潦草字迹的记事簿。They are due to arrive any minute now.他们应该马上就到。Steve, as usual, was the last to arrive.史蒂夫照例到得最晚。He found it advantageous to arrive early.他发现早到有好处We left early so we would be sure to arrive on time.我们提早出发了,这样就可以确保准时到达。




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