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词汇 tip
例句 The waitress received a handsome tip.女侍者收到了数量可观的小费。I got a hot tip about a great new restaurant.我有关于一家很棒的新餐馆的最新讯息。It is understood that detectives were acting on a tip-off.不言而喻,侦探是根据密告采取行动的。A sarcastic reply was on the tip of her tongue.挖苦的回应已到她嘴边,但她还是忍住了。The tip of the Christmas tree snapped off when it fell.圣诞树倒下来时树尖折断了。I've a tip for the races.我有一条关于比赛的内部消息。The tip of the fishing rod jigged up and down.钓竿的一头上下颤动。The fact that he hasn't called should be a tip-off that he's not interested.他没有来电话,说明他不感兴趣。I took a load of rubbish and grass cuttings to the tip.我把一堆垃圾与修剪下的碎草运到了垃圾场。Today's slightly shorter race could well help to tip the scales in his favour.今天距离稍短的赛跑可能会对他占据优势大有助益。The best beaches are on the southern tip of the island.最好的沙滩位于该岛南端。It was on the tip of her tongue to refuse.她话到嘴边想要拒绝。There was a rubber tip on the end of her stick.她的拐棍末端有个橡胶头。How much should I tip for a haircut?我剪个头发要付多少小费?The village is located at the southern tip of the island.这个村子坐落在岛的南端。Recent seizures of illicit plutonium and uranium are only the tip of the iceberg.最近几次起获的违禁钚和铀仅仅是冰山的一角。Some cyclists need to tip the nose of the saddle down for comfort.一些自行车骑手需要将车座前半部分放低来保证骑行舒适。The house was an absolute tip.这房子简直是个垃圾场。He accidentally sliced off the tip of his finger.他不小心把手指头切掉了。The car is in tip-top shape/condition.这辆车的外形/车况一流。Her name is on the tip of my tongue.她的名字就在我的嘴边却一时说不出来。The arrests came after a tip-off from a member of the public.警察接到一名群众的密报后,随即展开了逮捕行动。She shifted things with the tip of her walking stick.她用手杖尖翻拨挪动东西。I left/gave the waitress a good/generous tip.我给了女服务员不少小费。His name's on the tip of my tongue. I'll think of it in a minute.他的名字就在我嘴边了,我一会儿就能想起来。He was arrested following a tip-off.有人举报后,他就被捕了。The hotel we stayed in was absolutely tip-top.我们住的旅馆绝对一流。He used to tip me when I went back to school.过去他常在我回学校时给我点零花钱。He has used a mixture of mosaic, collage, and felt-tip pen.他混合使用了镶嵌手法、拼贴画和毡头笔。The above complaints are, I suspect, just the tip of the iceberg.我想,以上的抱怨只是冰山一角。Police received an anonymous tip from a caller.警方接到一位来电者的匿名举报。With catlike neatness, his lips and the tip of his tongue took silver drops from her cheeks.他像猫一样干净利落地用嘴唇和舌尖舔去了她两颊上银色的泪珠。That place we visited in Paris, what's it called? It's on the tip of my tongue.我们在巴黎时去游览过的那个地方,它叫什么?就在嘴边说不出来了。We arrived at the arena just a few minutes before tip-off.我们刚好在比赛开始前几分钟到达球场。His films tip into melodrama.他的电影属于情节剧。La Coruna is a pretty seaside town on the north-western tip of Spain.拉科鲁尼亚是西班牙西北部顶端的一座美丽的海边城镇。The Everglades National Park stretches across the southern tip of Florida.大沼泽地国家公园位于佛罗里达州的最南端。Be careful not to tip that cup of coffee over.小心别把那杯咖啡打翻了。Acting on a tip, the police were able to find and arrest Upton.警方根据密报采取行动,找到并逮捕了厄普顿。We grabbed it just as it was about to tip over.我们在它就要翻倒时把它抓住了。




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