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词汇 tins
例句 Put some tins on top to weight it down.在顶部放些罐子来压住它。Line the tins with greaseproof paper.在烤盘里垫上防油纸。Grease the tins well before adding the cake mixture.在烤盘里面涂好油脂,然后再把蛋糕混合料加进去。The bin was full of tins.垃圾箱里堆满了金属罐。Grease and flour the tins thoroughly.细细地给烤盘涂一层油脂并撒满面粉。Keep food in airtight tins or jars.把食物存放在密封的金属盒或广口瓶里。The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup.厨房的橱柜里堆满了罐装汤。The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup and food.厨房的橱柜里备有汤罐头和食品罐头。Spoon the mixture into the cake tins.用汤匙将混合物舀入蛋糕烤模。There are only two tins of powdered milk left.就剩下两听奶粉了。The tins looked as though they had been sitting on the shelf for months.这些罐头看上去好像已经在货架上放了数月。I was just admiring the detail in the doll's house - even the tins of food have labels on them.我只是感叹娃娃屋顶制作之精致——就连食品罐头上都还贴着标签呢。Put both cake tins in the oven for half an hour.把两个蛋糕烤模都放在烤箱里烤半小时。Divide the mixture evenly between the two tins.把混合物等分成两份,分别装进两个罐子里。Among his purchases were several tins of beans.在他购买的东西里有几罐豆子。The tins had to be kept away from dampness.罐头应该防止受潮。




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