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That old house is really a tinderbox.那幢旧房子确实极度易燃。The campus was a tinderbox on the verge of a riot.校园的暴乱处于一触即发之势。The country has always been something of a tinderbox because the central state never really managed to establish its authority.由于中央政府从未真正树立其权威,因此该国一直就像个火药桶。The area is a tinderbox that could again plunge the country into civil war.这地区是个火药桶,很可能再次使国家陷入内战。The racial tension in the area makes it a tinderbox ready to ignite.这个地区的种族紧张局势一触即发。She pulled the tinderbox from her pocket and struck a light.她从口袋里拿出火绒盒,点着了火。The whole region was a tinderbox; only a spark was needed to set it off.整个地区犹如干柴,一燃即着。 |