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词汇 timing
例句 The secret of good comedy is timing.出色的喜剧风格的秘诀在于把握节奏。You guys have good timing, we just started to eat.你们这些家伙来得正是时候,我们刚开始吃呢。I asked the mechanic to correct the timing.我让机修工做正时校正。He has the split-second timing all good players need.他具有所有优秀运动员必不可少的分秒不差地把握时机的本领。The President and I did not discuss the timing of my departure.我和总统没有讨论我离职的时间。Because of the timing, I'm sure the salary freeze is a deliberate contrivance, not a coincidence.根据时间安排,我敢肯定工资冻结是有预谋的,不是巧合。The timing of the meeting is not convenient.会议的时间安排不合适。The timing of the announcement from the Iraqi leader is seen as significant.伊拉克这位领导人发布通告的时间被视为具有特殊意义。He was just walking into the restaurant when we got there. Perfect timing.我们到的时候他正好走进饭店,时间算得好准。The timing of the meeting is certainly fortuitous.这次会议的时机真是太巧了。Mr. Berry said the timing was a coincidence and that his decision was unrelated to Mr. Roman's departure.贝里先生说这是时间上的巧合,他的决定与罗曼先生的离开没有关系。The timing of this engine is not quite right.这台发动机的正时点火调整不大好。The timing is hardly coincidental.选择这个时间很难说是巧合。Unfortunately, I misjudged the timing of my emergence.很不幸,我错误地判断了我出场的时机。The timing of the sale could not have been better.销售时间安排得再好不过了。A good comedian needs to have an exquisite sense of timing.优秀的喜剧演员需要善于把握火候时机。The timing of the minister's visit, however, could somewhat detract from the goodwill it's supposed to generate.但是,部长访问的时间安排不当,可能会使访问的善意不能得到有效传达。He doesn't know Claire's been two-timing him.他不知道克莱尔一直对自己不忠。I ended the relationship when I found out he was two-timing me.当我发现他脚踏两条船时,就分手了。He was just going to say something, when, with exquisite timing, Huntley appeared at his elbow.他正要说什么,亨特利恰好就出现在了他的身边。An official said the timing of the Prime Minister's visit was coincidental.一位官员说首相访问的时间安排是巧合。The timing of the announcement was purely accidental.那份声明的发布时间完全是随机选定的。When you're a comedian, timing is very important.当喜剧演员,懂得掌握时机是非常重要的。The timing of the attack, and its motivations, are unknown.袭击发生的时间及其动机尚不清楚。Her timing was a little off and she missed the shot.她时机把握得不大好,结果打偏了。The timing of his trip aroused suspicion among his government colleagues.他出行时间的安排引起了他在政府里的同事的怀疑。This method is more fallible than most because it depends on careful and accurate timing.这种方法比大多数方法更容易出错,因为它需要仔细精确的计时。She displayed perfect timing and control.她展示出了良好的时机掌控能力。The punchline was delivered with perfect comic timing.包袱在最滑稽的时刻抖了出来。She finally dumped her two-timing husband.她最终甩了她那用情不专的丈夫。The timing of the attack was synchronized with the ambassador's arrival.攻击时间与大使到达的时间同步。Even at the end, George Burns never lost his impeccable sense of timing.即使到了最后,乔治·伯恩斯也从未丧失他那完美无瑕的把握时机的能力。There is disagreement within the government over the exact timing of the referendum.政府内部在全民公决的确切日期上存在分歧。The golfer judged it well, timing the ball to perfection.高尔夫球手判断准确,击球时机拿捏得恰到好处。If your timing is right, you may be fortunate enough to stumble across a village fiesta.如果你时机把握得好,你会幸运地撞上个乡村节日。The timing of her departure was entirely fortuitous.她对离开时间的选择完全是偶然的。It was a technique which required split-second timing.那是一种时间上要把握得分秒不差的技巧。The voter survey is crucial to the timing of the election.进行选民民意调查对大选的时间安排是很重要的。Is their timing right, or have they boobed again?他们的时间掐得准吗?是不是他们又弄错了?There are one or two places where the timing isn't quite right.在一两处地方节拍不太正确。




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