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例句 Those math problems made me dizzy.那些数学题弄得我晕头转向。Those pictures I took at the game yesterday didn't come out.昨天我在赛场拍的那些照片不清楚。Your patio is lovely. Those tubs of flowers are the perfect finishing touch.你家的中庭漂亮极了。那几盆花更是完美的画龙点睛。Those jeans are getting too tight for me.那条牛仔裤我穿太紧了。Those children are always up to some mischief. = Those children are always getting into mischief.那些孩子总爱捣乱。Those books are too high for me.那些书放得太高,我拿不到。Those dogs are my faves.那些狗是我的最爱。Those two are firm friends. 他们俩是铁杆儿朋友。Those two will be getting married before long.那两位不久将要结婚了。Those wishing to study urban development have a ready-made example on their doorstep.那些想要研究城市发展的人眼下就有一个十分现成的范例。Those dang kids stepped on our flowers!那几个讨厌的小孩踩踏了我们的花!Those people have been waiting for hours, and they're starting to run out of patience. = They're starting to lose patience.那些人已经等了几个小时,他们开始失去耐心。Those who come unstuck are the ones who cannot sell the properties on fast enough.栽跟头的就是那些没有迅速把不动产卖出去的人。Those wishing to find an oasis from World Cup hysteria should head to Fox's pub, which has no TV.那些想从世界杯的狂热中寻到一方宁静之地的人应该去福克斯酒吧,那儿没有电视。Those anticancer drugs are effective, but also destructive to white blood cells.那些抗癌药是有效的,但也破坏白细胞。Those in the water tried to hold on to the boats that were still afloat.那些掉在水里的人拼命想攀住仍未下沉的船只。Those two people are incompatible.那两个人合不来。Those kids were initiated into heroin use at a young age.那些孩子很早就被教会如何吸食海洛因。Those imps are brewing mischief.那些小淘气们正在打坏主意。Those trees need to be pruned every year.那些树每年都需要修剪。Those are the people I'm inviting. Did I miss anyone out?我要邀请这些人,有没有把谁漏了?Those who opposed the regime were put into prison or even executed.反对该政权的人都被关进了监狱,甚至被处死。Those boys and girls are not yet casehardened.那些男孩和女孩们思想尚未定形。Those with more discriminating tastes are likely to find the movie dull and clichéd.那些更有鉴赏力的观众很有可能觉得这部电影枯燥老套。Those who are going camping please gather at the gate.要去露营的人请在大门口集合。Those found guilty of rebellion and insurrection will be sentenced to life imprisonment.那些被判决犯有谋反叛乱罪的人将被处以终身监禁。Those clubs are used for smiting the blue little ball.那些球棒是用来击蓝色小球的。Those are gringo inventions.那些是外国佬的发明。Those children have polished off the whole cake!那几个孩子把整只蛋糕都吃了! Those concerns were overshadowed by subsequent events.随后发生的事使之前关注的那些问题显得无足轻重。Those columns have to be strong enough to support the weight of the roof.那些柱子必须足够坚固才能支撑住屋顶的重量。Those who were in the know bought land where the railway was to be built, and made enormous profits.知情的人买下了将建铁路的土地,获取了巨额利润。Those who do not have relatives to return to are left to wander the streets and sleep rough.举目无亲的人只好四处游荡,露宿街头。Those in the chain of command must bear responsibility.指挥层必须承担责任。Those jeans must be two sizes too big for you.那条牛仔裤你穿肯定大两号。Those are the moments which make life worth living.正是这些时刻让生活有了意义。Those are nice academic arguments, but what about the immediate future?那些是微妙的学术上的辩论,但不久的将来怎么办?Those two got on/along like a house on fire. 他们两人相处得非常融洽。Those who could not walk were left to die by the roadside.那些走不动的人就被遗弃在路边等死。Those detectives have been poking about here.那些侦探一直在这儿附近打听。




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