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词汇 thin on the ground
例句 Foreigners were very thin on the ground in that country.在那个国家里外国人难得一见。Taxis seem to be thin on the ground.出租车好像不多。Useful suggestions have been thin on the ground lately. 最近没有多少有用的建议。Good managers are often thin on the ground.优秀的经理人常常寥寥无几。Traditional bookshops are thin on the ground these days.现在传统的书店不多了。Our only problem is finding staff, because good programmers are really thin on the ground.我们唯一的问题是招聘员工,因为出色的程序员真的很少。In her world of financial schemers, nice guys were thin on the ground.在她那个遍是金融骗子的圈子里,好人寥寥无几。Magazines about home improvement were very thin on the ground at the time - not like now.和现在不同,那时候以美化家居为内容的杂志为数不多。




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