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The traffic thinned as they gained the motorway.他们驶上高速公路后车流量就减少了。The cloud finally thinned out and they were once again in clear sky.云层逐渐散去,它们又出现在晴空中了。Police thinned down the crowd.警方驱散了人群。She's thinned down a lot in the past year.过去一年她瘦了很多。The barber thinned out my thick hair.理发师把我浓密的头发削薄了一些。The haze thinned in the late afternoon.傍晚时分雾气变薄了。It would have been better to have thinned the trees over several winters rather than all at one time.当初要是分几个冬天疏剪树木,会比一下子疏剪完效果好。The trees thinned as we climbed higher. 我们越往上爬,树丛就变得越稀疏。He's thinned down a lot since I last saw him.自我上次见到他以来,他瘦了不少。Illness had thinned our ranks.疾病使我们人员减少了。The stream has thinned down to a mere trickle.这条小河已变成细流了。The crowd gradually thinned as the night went on.随着夜幕降临,人群逐渐散去。The staff has been thinned through attrition. 由于自然减员,员工队伍已变小。A narrow smile thinned his lips.一道浅浅的笑容使他的嘴唇看上去更薄了。Care thinned her cheeks.忧虑使她面颊瘦削。I decided to wait until the crowd thinned out a bit before trying to leave.我决定等到人群散开些之后才离开。The pastels can be thinned with water.这些水粉颜料可以用水稀释。His face has been thinned by illness.他的脸颊因为生病而消瘦了。Her hair had been thinned and cut shorter.她的头发削薄了,剪短了。The trees thinned as we got closer to the top of the mountain.随着我们慢慢爬上山顶,树木也变得越来越稀少。The crowd had thinned out and only a few people were left.人群渐渐散去,只剩下几个人了。By midnight the crowd had thinned.半夜时分,人群渐渐散去了。The wine has been thinned with water.这酒已用水稀释。 |