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He was reminded of his duty to speak the truth when questioned in court.他被提醒在回答法庭问题时,有责任讲真话。They surprised the culprit into telling the truth.他们用出其不意的办法使罪犯吐露实情。We should let the public know the truth.我们应该让公众了解事情的真相。Words that obscure the truth must be discarded.必须屏弃混淆真相的词语。It was obvious that much of what they recorded was far from the truth.显然,他们所记录的很多根本不是事实。His testimony was clearly a perversion of the truth.他的证词显然是对事实的歪曲。We want to get at the truth.我们想弄清真相。Her questions point to a desire to know the truth.她提的问题暗示她希望了解真相。His statements were inconsistent with the truth. 他的陈述与事实不符。For a moment Mary debated telling Rick the truth.有一刻玛丽在考虑是否把真实情况告诉里克。He did not know the truth about Tom.他不了解汤姆的真实底细。Her description of what happened approximated to the truth.她叙述所发生的事情近于实情。You must acknowledge the truth of her argument.你必须承认她论点的真实性。I may make it all look easy, but the truth is I work very hard.我可能看上去轻松,可实际上我工作很努力。He should not palter with the truth.他对事实不应说得模棱两可。The only one who's anywhere close to the truth is my mother.唯一算得上了解真相的人是我的母亲。It's very kind of you to tell me the truth.你真好,告诉我这真相。He was too fragile to handle the truth.他太脆弱,无法面对事情的真相。Nixon tried to cover up the burglary, but the truth had to come out in the end.尼克松想要隐瞒这次入室盗窃事件,但最终真相必然大白。She fully disclosed the truth.她充分揭露了事实真相。You can't hide from the truth.你不能逃避真相。They perverted the truth to help further their careers.他们为了飞黄腾达不惜歪曲事实。She was determined to discover the truth about her boss.她下决心要查明老板的真相。Teachers should impress the children with the virtue of always telling the truth.老师应当让孩子们牢记说实话的美德。After much questioning, he elicited the truth from the boy.在多次询问后,他从这男孩处诱出了真情。How far did the film tell the truth about Barnes Wallis?.影片讲述的巴恩斯·沃利斯的故事有多少真实的成分?He was accused of stretching the truth about how much he had helped in the project.他被指责夸大了自己在整个项目中的作用。She would later find out the truth about her husband.她以后会查明有关她丈夫的真相。To tell you the truth, I hate to do it.老实告诉你,我不愿意做这事。I am telling the truth.我说的是实话。She knew from experience that Dave was about to tell her the truth.经验告诉她戴夫就要对她说出实情了。He felt a sudden compulsion to tell her the truth.他感到一阵想告诉她实情的强烈冲动。Sometimes we bend the truth a little in order to spare them the pain of the real facts.有时我们会稍微变动一下事实,以免他们知道实情会太痛苦。All this proves conclusively that she couldn't have known the truth.这一切无可置疑地证明她不可能知道真相。I only told the truth to the press when the single was released as it seemed the perfect time to do it.等到单曲唱片开始发行时,我才把真相透露给媒体,因为那似乎是最佳时机。Their explanation was simpler but came closer to the truth.他们的解释比较简单,但更接近真相。I'm going to have to tell him the truth.我得把真相告诉他。Give me the truth, not the advertising copy.跟我实话实说,别整广告词。We have an agreement to always tell each other the truth about everything.我们约定无论何事彼此都要讲实话。We have a sacred duty to find out the truth.寻求真理是我们的神圣职责。 |