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词汇 the town
例句 The river loops around the town.该河绕城镇流过。Only about a seventh of the town voted for her.该镇只有约七分之一的人投了她的票。Every road of the town has been hedged by the police.警察已在城中的各条路上设置了障碍。The city council have made no progress with their plans to rebuild the town hall.市政委员会重建市政厅的计划没有进展。Not far from the town centre is the municipal park.离市中心不远处有一座市立公园。Their two adopted daughters were the only Asians in the town.他们的两个养女是镇上仅有的亚洲人。The flood devastated the town.洪水摧毁了小镇。The post office is directly opposite the town hall.邮局就在市政厅的正对面。The road goes in a direct line towards the town.那条路笔直地通向城市。The streets were getting narrower, the houses taller as we approached the oldest part of the town.我们快到小镇最古老的地区时,街道越来越窄,房子越来越高。The council is planning to build a multi-million pound leisure centre outside the town.地方议会正计划在镇外建一个需要斥资数百万英镑的休闲中心。Parliament has voted the town a large sum of money for a new road.国会投票通过为该城镇提供一大笔资金修建一条新公路。We bring our trash to the town dump on Saturdays.每逢周六我们将废物送到镇上的垃圾场。A subterranean stream is believed to flow underneath the town.据认为这个镇下面有地下小河流过。These factors helped to elevate the town to the position of one of the most beautiful in the country.这些因素提高了该镇的声望,使之成为该国十大最具魅力小镇之一。They're building a new bypass around the town.他们正在建一条新的绕城旁道。The department store is opening up a new branch in the town.那家百货公司准备在城里开设一家新的分店。The earthquake left the town in ruins.地震使这个城镇化为废墟。A shuttle service runs between the airport and the town centre.飞机场和市中心有班车往返。The castle is built on a slight rise above the town.城堡建在一个高出城镇的缓坡上。After she won the championship, she was the toast of the town.她赢得冠军后,镇上的人们对她赞誉有加。Many people come from the outlying/surrounding villages to work in the town.很多人从周围的乡村来到这座城里工作。He scavenged the town dump for automobile parts.他在镇上的垃圾场寻找汽车零件。Every fall the town develops football fever. 每年秋天镇上都会掀起橄榄球热。Our farm was way out beyond the town.我们的农场离镇上很远。Crime has dropped since the video cameras were installed in the town centre.镇中心安装了录影机后,犯罪数量下降了。Wooded hills rise behind the town.小城的后面耸立着树木葱茏的山丘。Mountains overlook the town on three sides.该镇三面环山。Several fires were set in the town.城内发生数起纵火事件。The lights of the town twinkled in the distance.城镇的灯火在远处闪烁着。Right now the town is flush with money. 现今这个镇子很富有。Cross the bridge and turn right into the town.过桥后向右拐进城。The part of the town has been zoned as a shopping area.城里这块地方已划为购物区。Rumors percolated throughout the town.谣言在镇上传开了。The papers bore reports of attacks on the town by guerrillas.报上载有游击队袭击该镇的报道。People in the town began dying suddenly/unexpectedly.镇上的人们开始突然/意外死亡。The castle domineers over the town.那座城堡俯瞰着全城。Once popular, the town is now well past its sell-by date.那个小镇从前很知名,现在早已不为人所关注了。She's gone into the town centre to do some shopping.她去市中心购物了。As the town clock struck two, they heard the roll of drums.当小镇的时钟敲响两点钟时,他们听到了隆隆的鼓声。




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