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It's just a sign of the times that many children have mobile phones.许多孩子都有手机,这只是个时代特征。I'm not keen on having a mobile phone, but I suppose we must all move with the times.我不热衷于买手机,可我认为我们都得跟上时代潮流。The economy of the times made it difficult to support centralized rule.当时的经济状况不利于实行集权统治。You can find the times of your trains in this timetable.你可在这一时刻表上找到你的火车时刻。I've lost count of the times he's asked to borrow money.我记不清他有多少次要求向我借钱了。It was announced that the times were provisional and subject to confirmation.已宣布说这些时间是暂定的,还有待确定。He recast his political image to fit the times.为了与时俱进,他重塑了自己的政治形象。Before leaving, she noted the times of the return trains.离开之前,她留意了一下回程火车的时间。Training techniques had not kept pace with the times.训练技术没有与时俱进。Our professor is surprisingly behind the times. 我们这位教授思想过时,令人惊讶。Your body draws on its reserves of fat during the times when you are fasting.禁食的时候,身体会动用储存的脂肪。This approach is now seriously out of step with the times.这种方法如今与时代潮流严重脱节。Her novels capture the temper of the times.她的小说抓住了时代的气息。This was established by notation of the times of its appearance and disappearance.这是通过记录它出现和消失的次数来确定的。They are not in step with the times.他们跟不上时代的步伐。Johnny has changed his image to fit the times.约翰尼已经改变了他的形象以迎合时代潮流。Young people always keep abreast of the times.年轻人总是紧跟时代的步伐。What are the times of the return trains?回程列车都有几点的?I always mix up the times when my classes start.我总是把上课的时间搞混。Companies must change/evolve/move with the times or risk losing their customers.公司必须与时俱进,否则就有可能失去客户。We've got to move with the times.我们必须与时俱进。His values are out of tune with the times.他的价值观与这个时代不符。Come on. Get with the times. 加把劲!跟上时代吧!You need to learn the times tables by rote.你学习乘法表得靠死记。Having metal detectors in schools is a sign of the times.学校里配备金属探测器是时下流行的做法。The film manages to capture the mood of the times.影片捕捉到了当时的时代氛围。Read the papers if you want to keep abreast of the times.你想跟上时代就得读报。The entire country is behind the times when it comes to protecting the environment.当论及保护环境的时候,举国上下的思想都过时了。Critics say the rule is out of step with the times. 批评家们说这条规矩不合时宜。That song really captures the spirit of the times.那首歌真正体现了时代的精神。Everyone's usual temperature varies with the times of the day.每人平常体温会随着一天时间的不同而变化。In this business, you have to keep up with the times. 在这个行业,你必须跟上时代的步伐。I've lost count of the times I've heard that joke.那个笑话我不知道听过多少遍了。She still owes me for all the times I've helped her out.对于我每次为让她走出困境而给予的帮助,她仍心怀感激。The tendencies of the times are written in current events.时事蕴含着时代发展的趋势。Today, his change of direction seems more in tune with the times.今天,他方向的改变似乎更与时代合拍。His novel is a mirror of the times.他的小说是当代的真实写照。Our products have been evolving according to the requirements of the times.我们的产品一直在随时代需求而发展变化。People in these parts tend to be way behind the times when it comes to issues such as women's rights.在妇女权利等问题上,这些地方的人都是远远落后于时代。We must renovate our social life to keep abreast of the times.我们必须革新我们的社会生活以适应时代的要求。 |