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词汇 the streets
例句 Youths threw up barricades on the streets.年轻人在街上匆匆垒起路障。Thousands of people took to the streets in protest. 成千上万的人走上街头抗议。Never let children run the streets.决不可让孩子们在街道上奔跑戏耍。Stray dogs roamed the streets at night.流浪狗晚上在街上游荡。People protested in the streets against austerity.人们上街抗议紧缩措施。Pablo loved wandering through the streets of Barcelona.巴勃罗喜欢在巴塞罗那的街道上闲逛。We need to keep criminals like him off the streets.我们要让像他这样的罪犯远离街头。Against the pitiless reality of the streets, the pious platitudes of politicians and police mean nothing.看一看大街上无情的现实,政客和警方不切实际的陈词滥调没有任何意义。Hundreds of people lined the streets to see the football team go by.成百上千人排在街道两旁看足球队经过。People invaded the streets in victory processions.人们涌上大街,列队游行庆祝胜利。Londoners came out on the streets in their thousands.伦敦居民成千上万地涌上街头。The soldiers barricaded the streets to prevent an attack.士兵们在大街上设置路障,阻止进攻。There was dancing in the streets when we heard that the war was over.我们听到战争结束,都在大街上跳舞庆祝。He's of no fixed abode and we found him on the streets.他居无定所,我们发现他流落街头。The officers police the streets for reckless drivers.警官在街道巡查莽撞的司机。There are homeless people sleeping on the streets of London in all weathers.不管什么天气,伦敦的街道上都有无家可归的人在露宿。Hard-core joggers will pound the streets in all kinds of weather.慢跑铁杆爱好者无论刮风下雨都要出门跑步。On Saturday night, the streets are full of teenage girls and boys, out for a good time.星期六晚上,街上全是出来玩的少男少女。I am unfamiliar with the streets in this neighborhood.我不熟悉这一地段的街道。They were using a mechanical shovel to clear up the streets.他们用机械铲土机清理街道。In ancient Rome, captured generals were paraded through the streets in chains.在古罗马,俘获的将军被带上枷锁游街示众。Trash littered the streets.垃圾被乱扔在街上。Coaches will set down and uplift passengers only as directed by the police in the streets mentioned.在上述街道,长途汽车只能在警方指定的地点让乘客上下车。Residents complain of cocaine and heroin dealers selling on the streets outside their homes.居民投诉说,有毒贩在他们家门外的街头上卖可卡因和海洛因。An AIDS outreach program for prostitutes on the streets.为街头妓女提供的艾滋病外展服务计划Snowpiles lined the streets and, even with mud-snow tyres, traction was poor.积雪铺满街道,即使汽车装有防滑轮胎,附着摩擦仍然很差。Reports from the capital, Lome, say troops are stationed on the streets.来自首都洛美的报道称,部队驻扎在大街上。Left to raise themselves on the streets, these children form roving bands of delinquents.这些孩子被迫流浪街头,结成了一些流窜的犯罪团伙。The plows came and cleared the streets, forming a hill of snow on the street corner.扫雪机过来清理街道,在街角堆起一个小雪堆。Snow was caked high along the streets.街道边积着高高的雪堆。He often hustles on the streets to pay for drugs.为了弄到钱买毒品,他常在街上行骗。Civilians were fleeing in all directions as soldiers yelled at them to get off the streets.听到士兵大叫着让他们从街上撤离,平民百姓们纷纷四处逃散。The intensity of the blaze shattered windows, spraying glass on the streets below.熊熊烈火灼裂了玻璃窗,使得碎玻璃飞溅到了下面的街道上。The couple enjoys lounging about the streets at weekends.这对夫妇喜欢在周末逛街。One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passers-by.走在街道上,随处可见乞丐纠缠行人乞讨。The hooligans went on an orgy of destruction through the streets of Hamburg.小流氓们在汉堡街头进行肆意破坏。Enthusiastic crowds filled the streets.大街上到处都是热情高涨的人群。One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passers by.走在街上总能看到乞丐纠缠行人乞讨。Hundreds of people took to the streets to protest against police brutalities.数百名群众上街抗议警察暴行。People huzzahed pouring into the streets at the news that the war had ended.一听到战争结束了的消息,人们欢呼着涌上了街头。




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