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例句 Their music still seems fresh and vital after all these years.这么多年过去了,他们的音乐似乎依然清新而有活力。Place these items in a prominent position in your window display.把这些东西摆放在陈列橱窗的显眼位置。She questioned whether it was feasible to stimulate investment in these regions.她对在这些地区刺激投资是否可行表示怀疑。I want to make one thing crystal clear – I do not agree with these proposals.有一件事我要说清楚 — 我不同意这些提议。Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection.可惜的是,这些药物毒性很大,会削弱身体对感染的抵抗力。Are you talking about these shoes, or those shoes over there?你是在说这些鞋还是那边的那些鞋?All these actions were compatible with his character.所有这些行为与他的性格相符。One of these days I'll get my shit together.总有一天,我会他妈驾轻就熟的。Your silence implies tacit consent to these proposals.你的沉默意味着你默许这些提议。The manager replied that he had issued orders exactly on these lines.经理回答说,他已完全按照这些想法发出指示。It has touched me deeply to see how these people live.看到这些人的生活境况,我深受触动。Both of these women have strong memories of the Vietnam War.这两位妇女都对越南战争记忆深刻。Share prices have been on a roller coaster these last few days.最近几天来股票价格大起大落。It was very cheap as the prices of cars go these days.就现时汽车价格来说,那辆车很便宜。You'll have to wear these - your other pants are in the wash.你只好穿这条,你其他的裤子正在洗。You shouldn't say all these nice things about me; spare my blushes!你不该讲我这么多好话—别让我难为情!How do you think of all these crazy ideas?你如何看待所有这些怪念头?Take all these temperatures and find the average temperature.把这些温度都测一下,并算出平均温度。The government has put out a statement denying these rumours.政府发表了一项声明,否认了这些谣言。Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint.海厄特已经找到产生这些特性的方法,那就是利用油彩这种更加持久的材料。In these few words the president summed up the feelings of the whole nation.总统用这几句简短的话概括了全国人民的感受。From these small beginnings it grew into the vast company we know today.这家企业从一点一滴做起,发展成为今天我们所知的大公司。One of these days I'll have a blitz on the house. 我会找一天把房子彻底清扫一下。Did you often mislay these dangerous drugs?你常把这些危险药品四处乱放吗?Many of these technological products have only a very short life cycle.这些技术产品的生命期都很短。The older politicians are too set in their ways to understand the importance of these new ideas.那些老迈的政客们积习难改,无法了解这些新观念的重要性。Critics maintain that these reforms will lead to a decline in educational standards.批评者坚称这些改革会导致教育水平下降。She seems more stable these days.她这些日子看来情绪稳定些了。All these helped to crack the edifice of confidence and trust.这一切促使信心和信任的大厦崩塌。There are no pat answers to these questions.这些问题没有现成的答案。Here you are, saying these terrible things.你怎么搞的,说这些讨厌的事情。Young folk these days don't know the meaning of work.如今的年轻人不懂得工作的意义。I will say no more on these matters, important though they are.虽然这些事很重要,我也不想再说什么了。How reliable are these statistics?这些统计数字的可靠性如何?Events like these take months of careful planning.这样的活动需要数月的精心策划。I'm sure he says these things deliberately to annoy me.我敢肯定他是故意说这些来气我的。Everything rides on the judgment of these few men.一切都取决于对这几个人的判决。I have come to be very much of a cynic in these matters.在这些事上我变得相当愤世嫉俗。My cousin doesn't understand about these things.我表弟不理解这些事。Young people do move around the country quite a bit these days.现在,年轻人的确经常来往于国内各地。




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