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词汇 the scene
例句 She filled out a police report at the scene of the accident.她在事故现场填写了一份警方报告。The getaway car had been ditched a couple of miles away from the scene of the robbery.逃离现场用的车辆被丢弃在距抢劫地两英里以外的地方。The drama quickened when police arrived at the scene.警察到达现场时,这一戏剧性事件就变得热闹起来。We had to do the scene over and over again, from different angles.我们不得不翻来覆去地从不同的角度拍这个场面。I had to laugh at the absurdity of the scene.这荒唐的场面,我只能一笑置之。He vanished from the scene, to materialize presently in front of the door.他突然不见了,却又很快出现在门前。An ambulance soon arrived at the scene of the accident.一辆救护车很快赶到了事故现场。I called the police and they were on the scene within minutes.我打电话叫警察,他们很快就赶到了现场。An ambulance was sent to the scene of the accident.救护车被派到事故现场。Brilliant sunshine illuminated the scene.灿烂的阳光使景色明亮了起来。He had to stir his memories of the scene of their wedding.他不由得回想起他们结婚时的情景。Two uniformed officers arrived on the scene quickly.两个穿制服的警察很快来到了现场。The police report described the scene in gruesome detail.警方的报告描绘了现场令人毛骨悚然的细节。He memorized every little detail of the scene.他记住了那场景的每一个细节。He averted his eyes from the scene of the accident.他转移目光不再看事故现场。He gaped in astonishment at the scene.他对眼前的景象惊讶得目瞪口呆。The beauty of the scene filled us with enchantment.风景的秀丽令我们陶醉。The forensics showed he was at the scene of the crime.司法鉴定结果显示他曾出现在犯罪现场。Her eyes traveled over the scene.她双目扫视了一下这个场面。They deduced that he was present at the scene of the crime.他们推断出他当时在犯罪现场Each artist was asked to copy the scene exactly as he or she saw it.每一位画家都被要求将自己所见的场面确切地描绘下来。The driver was certified dead at the scene.驾车人被证实当场死亡。Coloured flags added to the festivity of the scene.五颜六色的彩旗使这场面增加了欢庆气氛。Police at the scene said Dr Mahgoub had been hit several times in the head.现场的警察称马哈古卜医生的头部遭到了几次击打。Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.语言难以描述那景色之美丽。On no account must the patient be moved until a doctor has arrived on the scene.在医生赶到之前,决不可移动病人。He described the scene in meticulous detail.他详尽确切地描述了场景。The overthrown rulers retired quietly from the scene.被推翻的统治者们无声无息地退出了历史舞台。The police viewed the scene of the crime.警方检查了犯罪现场。He panned the camera across the scene.他摇镜头拍摄全景。Police set up diversions as accident investigators examined the scene of the crash.事故调查组成员在勘查撞车现场时,警方设置了绕行道。She drank in the beauty of the scene.她陶醉于美景之中。Armed police arrived on the scene, and there was an exchange of fire.全副武装的警察赶到现场,双方交了火。Armed officers swarmed to the scene as paramedics waited on red alert.大批武装警察前往现场,护理人员随时待命。There are some great new young artists coming on the scene.会有一些非常优秀的年轻艺术家到场。When the police came on to the scene, the trouble-makers had all gone.警察赶到时,闹事者已全跑了。The prisoner stuck out that he had not been present at the scene of the crime.犯人坚决说他不在作案现场。 First, let's set the scene - it was a dark, wet night with a strong wind blowing.首先,我们来描述一下故事发生的背景——那是一个漆黑的夜晚,下着雨,狂风呼啸。By then, there was a boyfriend on the scene.到那时,她已经有一位男朋友了。I made a hasty sketch of the scene.我匆忙画了一张现场图。




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