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词汇 the rich
例句 The government taxed the rich and the poor alike.政府对富人和穷人同样征税。He believes in taxing the rich to give to the poor.他认为应该对富人征税来救助穷人。Seemingly, there is one rule for the rich and another for the poor.很显然,对富人用一套法则,对穷人则用另一套。He entertained his readers by lampooning the pretensions of the rich.他以冷嘲热讽自以为是的有钱人来愉悦读者。The resort is frequented by the rich and famous.这个旅游胜地是富人名流经常光顾的地方。We discovered the rich lode bellied out.我们发现丰富的矿脉突然增大了。A good education should not just be a privilege of the rich.良好的教育不应该只是富人的特权。A tour of Washington DC inspired one visitor to make some interesting observations about the gap between the rich and the poor.一次华盛顿之旅使一名游客突发灵感,对贫富差距作了一些有趣的评论。Culture is no longer the prerogative of the rich.文化不再是有钱人垄断的权利了。They argued that the tax will mainly benefit the rich.他们争辩说这项税收将主要让富人受益。The new tax laws unfairly privilege the rich.这项新税法给予富人优惠,很不公平。I've always thought it outrageous that the poor have to pay for tax cuts for the rich.我一向认为富人的减税要穷人来补偿是极不公平的。He had promised that the rich and privileged would no longer get preferential treatment.他已经保证富人和特权阶层不会再得到优惠待遇。The robber spoiled the rich man of his goods.强盗抢劫了那财主的货物。Sailing is increasingly popular, and no longer the preserve of the rich.帆船运动现在越来越流行,而且不再是有钱人独享的活动了。The methods they employed were heavily biased in favour / favor of the rich.他们采用的方法非常偏袒有钱人。There is a widening gap between the rich and the poor.贫富差距越来越大。He says that there is a widening abyss between the rich and the poor.他说贫富之间的差距正在拉大。The President pledged himself to increase taxes for the rich but not the middle classes.总统保证增加对富人而非中产阶级的税收。The gap between the rich and the poor is narrowing.贫富差距正在缩小。The gap between the rich and poor regions widened.富饶和贫困地区之间的差距扩大了。The museum celebrates the rich pageant of the town's history. 这家博物馆颂扬小镇丰富有趣的历史。Leary later went to Beverly Hills High School, but he felt out of place among the rich kids.利里后来进了贝弗利山高中,但是他觉得自己在那些富家子弟中显得格格不入。Her novels are peopled with the rich and beautiful.她小说里净是些有钱的俊男靓女。I was surprised by the rich furnishing of his place.他家的奢华装修让我惊诧不已。The trees have rooted in the rich soil.树木在肥沃的土壤里已经扎根。My eyes popped at the sight of the rich variety of food on show.看到展示的种类丰富的食物,我眼睛都瞪圆了。Vegetables grow well in the rich, black soil.蔬菜在肥沃的黑土地上长得好。So in effect the government have lowered taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor.所以呢,实际上政府是为富人减了税,而给穷人加了税。The poor starve while the rich feast.穷人挨饿,而富人在大吃大喝。It is still the rich nations which wield the power.现在操纵大权的仍然是那些富国。The poor starve while the rich feast.穷人挨饿,富人饕餮。Over the same period trade protection has increased in the rich countries.在同一时期,富国的贸易保护有所抬头。In the heat of summer the rich fled to the hill stations.夏季天热时有钱人都涌向山中的小镇。The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveler.强盗埋伏著等待有钱的旅客。The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveller.强盗们埋伏着等待袭击那位富有的旅客。There's a double standard for the rich and powerful.对有钱有势的人另有一种标准。She stroked the rich velvet of the dress enviously.她羡慕地抚摸着连衣裙华贵的天鹅绒。There seems to be one rule for the rich and another for the poor.好像对富人有一套规定,对穷人又另有一套规定似的。He showed how the rich and powerful can abuse their position.他让我们看到有钱有势的人是如何滥用其地位的。




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