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例句 I prefer this part of the city because there are plenty of good amenities.我喜欢城市的这个区域,因为有许多好的生活设施。On top of the basic salary there are numerous other benefits.除了基本工资外还有许多其他的福利。In these and several other respects, there are many inventions and exaggerations.在这些方面和其他几个方面都存在许多捏造与夸张之处。It seems there are not very many of them left in the sea.似乎这些东西在海里所剩不多。Don't crush this box; there are flowers inside.别把这个盒子压坏了,里面有花。For some unfathomable reason, there are no stairs where there should be.不知什么原因,本该有楼梯的地方却没有。I think there are many positive aspects to being a twin…我认为身为双胞胎中的一个有很多积极方面。In some parts, there are still pockets of violence and unrest.在某些地区,仍然存在零星的暴力和动乱。If you have a flair for languages, there are some good career opportunities in Europe.如果你有语言天分,在欧洲就有一些很好的发展事业的机会。I'll go and see if there are any spare seats.我去看看是否还有空余的座位。It is a dangerous part of town - there are thieves and junkies everywhere.城里的这一带很危险—到处都有窃贼和吸毒的人。You can boil this down so that there are just two main categories.你可以把它压缩一下,只分两个大类。Press the paper down to ensure there are no wrinkles.用力压纸以确保没有褶皱。In the course of taping a show, there are always a few minor technical goofs.在录制节目的过程中,总会出现一些小的技术差错。If you get the munchies later on there are some cookies in the kitchen.如果你过会儿想吃点东西,厨房里有些小甜饼。Nowadays there are a number of different systems in operation.当前,实行着好几种不同的制度。Some politicians have realised that there are more artful ways of subduing people than shooting or jailing them.一些政客已经意识到有比枪和监狱更高明的使民众屈服的方法。It's safer when there are other people around.附近有其他人会更加安全。Notwithstanding differences, there are clear similarities in all of the world's religions.世界上的宗教尽管各不相同,但都有明显的相似之处。Except for a lone seagull flying overhead, there are almost no signs of animal life.除了头顶上飞着一只孤零零的海鸥,几乎见不到动物的迹象。Some officers claim that there are no drugs on their patch.有些官员声称他们的管辖区内没有毒品。Mind your language - there are ladies present!你说话注意点儿——有女士在场!Often there are discoveries which lead nowhere.有些发现往往无果而终。The airport faces a chicken-and-egg dilemma: Airlines won't add more flights unless there is more demand, and there won't be more demand until there are more flights.机场面临着鸡和蛋的难题:只有需求上升航空公司才会增加航班,但不增加航班,需求是不会上升的。When there are more applications than places available, the council runs a random ballot.当申请人数超过现有职位名额的时候,委员会就通过抽签决定。If you want a thicker blanket, there are more here in the closet.如果你想要更厚的毯子,这个柜子里还有。I don't want to trivialize the problem, but I do think there are more important matters to discuss.我并不是要贬低这个问题的重要性,我确实认为有更重要的事情需要讨论。In his office there are books piled all over the place. 在他的办公室里,书堆得到处都是。All things there are out of joint.那儿的一切都乱七八糟。Nude bathing is technically illegal but there are plenty of unspoilt beaches where no one would ever know.严格说来,裸泳是违法的,但在许多人迹罕至的海滩,没人会知道。Politicians insist that there are plenty of jobs and that anyone can get one if they really try.政治家坚持说有许多就业机会,只要认真去试,任何人都可以得到一份工作。The defendants admit their guilt, but insist that there are extenuating circumstances.被告方决定认罪,但是坚称有从轻情节。Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard.我对面的街上有几名警官在站岗。For many years, the city was a cultural desert, but now there are several museums and also a concert hall.过去许多年这座城市就是个文化沙漠,但现在有了几个博物馆,还有了一个音乐厅。Out in the desert there are hardly any road signs along the highway.在沙漠里,公路上几乎没有路标。Public health physicians say there are other dangers, too.公共保健医生称还存在着其他危险因素。I had difficulty following the story - there are so many different characters.我不太理解这个故事—人物太多太杂了。If that's not enough, there are shows, movies, and amusements aplenty.如果这还不能尽兴,另外还有林林总总的表演、电影和娱乐活动。Among Christians there are many denominations.基督教中有许多教派。Of all kinds of dressings there are, I like raspberry vinaigrette the best.在所有的酱料中,我最喜欢覆盆子果醋。




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