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词汇 the palace
例句 The area around the palace had been cleared for the parade.宫殿周围为游行清理了道路。Tourists congregated outside the palace.游客聚集在宫殿外。Well-known to me the palace you inquire.你要找的那座宫殿,我很熟悉。The emperor waved to the crowd from the palace balcony.皇帝在皇宫的阳台上向人群挥手。They do not keep a tally of visitors to the palace, but it is very popular.他们没有对参观宫殿的人数进行统计,不过这地方很受欢迎。This part of the palace is little more than an afterthought.宫殿的这部分只是后来增建的。Sentries are mounted outside the palace at all times.宫殿外一直有警卫站岗。The anniversary was marked by a luncheon given in the palace.在皇宫举行了午宴以庆祝周年纪念日。The Queen was not in residence at the palace when the fire broke out.火灾发生时,女王没有住在王宫里。We met a lot of grand people when we went to the palace.我们去王宫时遇见了许多显赫的人物。She'd come hotfoot from the palace with the latest news.她急匆匆地从宫里带来了最新的消息。A guide took us round the palace and gardens.一名导游带我们参观了宫殿和花园。The emperor was carried to the palace on a litter.皇帝坐在轿子上被抬进了宫。One of the soldiers guarding the palace fainted in the heat.其中一名守卫皇宫的士兵热得晕了过去。We walked through the palace gardens by moonlight.我们借着月光穿过御花园。The walls of the palace are marble with silver inlay.宫殿的墙壁是镶银大理石的。They repeatedly tried to infiltrate assassins into the palace.他们几次想让刺客打入皇宫内部。Visiting heads of state usually stay at the palace.来访的国家元首通常下榻在宫中。We were awed by the splendor and magnificence of the palace.宫殿的富丽堂皇令我们惊叹不已。There is always a sprinkling of sightseers outside the palace.王宫外边总有那么几个稀稀拉拉的游客。Tourists pressed their faces against the palace railings.游客们把脸紧贴在宫殿栅栏的栏杆上。For a few weeks in the summer, visitors are able to go round the palace.每年夏季有几个星期游人可以进入皇宫参观。The inscrutable gaze of the palace guards made me a little nervous.王宫警卫那神秘莫测的盯视让我感到有点紧张。He set off at a lope towards the palace.他从容不迫地迈着大步向宫殿走去。Soldiers guard the entrance to the palace.士兵守卫在宫殿门口。We admired the palace from a distance.我们从远处欣赏这座宫殿。A crowd had gathered at the gates of the palace.一大群人聚在宫殿门口。The press have hunkered down for the night outside the palace, waiting for news of the royal birth.媒体在王宫外守候了一夜,等候王室添丁的消息。Mist shrouded the outline of the palace.在薄雾笼罩下,只能看出宫殿的轮廓。Crowds lined the route to the palace.人群夹道排在通往皇宫的路上。Henceforth there would be no lamp relumed in the palace.从此宫中将不会有灯重新点燃。A solider stood guard outside the palace.一个士兵在宫殿外站岗。They entered the palace courtyard.他们进入了宫殿庭院。The splendor of the palace dazed him.王宫的富丽堂皇使他眼花缭乱。The ceremony is to take place in the palace grounds.庆典安排在王宫举行。You will be taken on a guided tour of the palace.进王宫将有导游带领参观。After the president fled the country, the palace was plundered by soldiers.总统逃出该国后,士兵洗劫了总统府。Portraits line the corridors of the palace.宫殿走廊的墙上挂了一排排的肖像画。Soldiers were ranged along the palace walls.士兵们顺着宫殿的围墙排成行。We rushed the palace gates and killed the guards.我们一起冲向宫殿大门,杀死了守卫。




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