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词汇 the next day
例句 She wrote back to him the next day.她第二天就给他回信了。By the next day the tabloids were in full cry, calling for the government to take immediate action or stand down.到了第二天,各家小报极力呼吁政府要么立即采取行动,要么下台。The scandal broke on the front pages of all the papers the next day.第二天所有报纸的头版都披露了这一丑闻。I was totally unprepared for the announcement on the next day.我对第二天的通告完全没有心理准备。He was released from custody the next day.第二天他被从拘留所里放了出来。They knew there would be trouble unless the report was finished by the next day.他们知道除非第二天能把报告完成,否则就有麻烦了。He surrendered himself to police the next day.他次日向警方自首了。It was eleven o'clock on the forenoon of the next day when Frank woke up.法兰克醒来时已是次日上午十一点钟了。That night Carl stayed up into the small hours, preparing work for the next day.那天晚上卡尔熬夜到凌晨,准备第二天的工作。She had hugged him exuberantly and invited him to dinner the next day.她兴高采烈地拥抱了他,并邀请他第二天一起吃晚饭。If Christmas Day is on a Sunday, the next day is also a holiday.如果圣诞节是在周日,那接下去的那一天也是节日。Kevin woke up the next day with a terrible hangover.凯文第二天醒来宿醉很严重。She slipped into unconsciousness and died the next day.她陷入昏迷,第二天就去世了。The bleary-eyed engineers were still hard at work when everyone else arrived the next day.当其他人第二天到来时,那些睡眼惺忪的工程师仍在奋力工作。We held the story over until the next day.我们把这个故事留到第二天再讲。He woke up the next day to find he'd burst a blood vessel in his eye.他第二天醒来,发现自己眼睛中的一条血管破裂了。They put us in a cell, and the next day the judge bound us over.他们把我们关进牢房,第二天法官令我们具结保证。The match was postponed to the next day because of bad weather.比赛因天气不好而延期到第二天进行。The continuation of the meeting was postponed until the next day.会议推迟到第二天继续进行。Dee was up the next day at sunrise to see me off.第二天太阳一出,迪伊就起来为我送行。Do you think you could hold on to that report for the next day or two?.你能把那篇报道多留一两天再登吗?My muscles stiffened up the next day.第二天我的肌肉僵痛。If you're unused to exercise your muscles may ache the next day.如果你不经常运动的话,明天可能会肌肉痛。The body was washed up by the tide the next day.第二天尸体被潮水冲上了岸。They didn't find her until the next day.他们直到第二天才找到她。I decided I would go to the archive the next day.我决定第二天去一趟档案馆。I left early, but promised to return the next day.我一早就离开了,但答应第二天回来。As bad luck would have it, there was a thick fog the next day and our flight was delayed.不巧的是第二天有大雾,我们的航班延迟了。The story broke the next day in most newspapers.这报道在第二天的大多数报纸上刊登了。The proposal came before the general assembly the next day.提案于次日提交大会审议。The teacher alerted the students that tests would be given the next day.老师提醒学生第二天要进行测验。Greenspan delivered more unsettling news about the economy the next day.第二天,格林斯潘发布了更令人不安的经济消息。They would need fresh horses if they were to reach the border the next day.他们要想在第二天赶到边境,就需要换马。A reply came back the next day.第二天答复来了。She left early to write her speech for the next day.她提前离开去写第二天的演讲稿了。The car was on hire and had to be back the next day.该车供出租,且须于第二天返还。She got worse in the night and died the next day.晚上她的病情恶化,第二天她就去世了。She promised to climb up the perilous peak along with us the next day,but she chickened out at the last moment.她答应第二天和我们一道去攀登险峰,但到时候却不敢去了。True to his promise, Brian called me the next day.布赖恩遵守诺言,第二天给我打了电话。I didn't want to go into details on the phone, so we arranged a meeting in my office for the next day.我不想在电话里说得很详细,因此我们约好第二天在我的办公室里碰面。




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