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词汇 the moment
例句 The option of taking on more staff is out for the moment.雇用更多职员这一选择目前并不可行。We have no job openings at the moment but we will keep your details on file.我们目前没有职位空缺,不过我们会把你的资料存档的。He's working like mad at the moment.他眼下正在拼命地工作。She suddenly looked like a million dollars the moment she took off her specs.她一摘下眼镜,便登时显得美丽动人,神采飞扬。I'm taking driving lessons at the moment.我正在上驾驶课。London is chock-a-block with tourists at the moment.伦敦此刻挤满了游客。I can just about tolerate it at the moment.当时我差一点就忍受不了了。At the moment, any talk of a move is pure speculation.现在,任何关于举措的议论都纯属猜测。From the moment he saw her, he was smitten.自从见到她的那一刻,他就着了迷。Things may be bad at the moment, but keep your pecker up. Everything will be all right.现在可能情况不太好,但你要打起精神,一切都会好的。Tom doesn't have a steady at the moment.汤姆眼下还没有一个已确定关系的情侣。We're not recruiting at the moment.我们目前不招聘员工。She was much cast down at the moment.她当时非常沮丧。I'm sorry, he's tied up at the moment. Could you call back later?对不起,他现在忙得脱不开身。请晚些时候再打电话来好吗?At the moment they are existing on pensions that are subsidised by the government.此刻他们正依靠政府发放的养老金维持生计。On the spur of the moment, we decided to head north that day instead of East.那天我们一时冲动,决定改变方向不往东走,而是向北出发了。He was a young star from the moment he arrived - everybody thought he was a comer. 他刚出道时就是一颗新星,所有人都认为他会成功。The crisis ended upon the moment on Monday.危机在星期一很快就过去了。Business is really bad at the moment. They may have to sell some of their factories overseas.目前的业务情况很糟糕。也许他们得卖掉一些在海外的工厂。I don't have much cash at the moment. Could I pay you next week?我手头钱不多,下周付给你行吗?Your boss is riding you much too hard at the moment.你的老板现在把你管得太严了。At the moment, the car is the least of my worries.目前,汽车是我最不发愁的事。The soft option is simply to say nothing for the moment.眼下最省事的选择就是什么都不说。We don't have any domestic help at the moment.目前我们家没有雇用人。The UN at the moment is still trying to maintain the charade of neutrality.联合国眼下还在努力摆出一副中立的假面孔。He's working very efficiently at the moment, but it won't last.目前他的工作效率很高,但不会持续很久。Genetic engineering is a highly topical issue at the moment.基因工程是时下备受关注的话题。Biology is their great passion at the moment.目前他们对生物非常感兴趣。The house is a bit chaotic at the moment - we've got all these extra people staying and we're still decorating.房子里现在有点混乱——我们有客人在这里而且还在进行装修。This is a sensitive issue - I think we'd better soft-pedal it for the moment.这是个相当敏感的问题——我认为目前我们最好低调处理。He's just getting up my nose so much at the moment.他这会儿可真把我惹急了。Everything is in flux at the moment.眼下一切都变化不定。Money is a bit tight at the moment.眼下银根有点紧。At the moment these shares are worth zilch.现在这些股票一文不值。There's a certain amount of slack in the car industry at the moment.眼下汽车工业不太景气。She was just savoring the moment.她正尽情享受这一刻。Sorry, Doctor Pugh is out on a call at the moment.对不起,皮尤医生现在出诊去了。He's working as a teacher at the moment.他目前在当老师。It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake.所有的一切都是在一怒之下干的,我无疑已经从自己的错误中吸取了教训。I am embarrassed at the moment, but I will be able to pay you next month.我目前手头很紧,但下个月可以付钱给你。




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