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词汇 the living
例句 It scared the living daylights out of me when the flames shot out.火焰向外喷射的时候吓得我魂飞魄散。We used two buckets of paint to paint the living room.我们用了两桶漆刷客厅。Coordinate labour relations and gradually improve the living standards of the workers.协调劳动关系,逐步提高劳动者的生活水平。When the eggs hatch, the larvae eat the living flesh of the animal host.卵孵化后,幼虫吃动物寄主身上的肉。The kitchen is at/in the back of the house and the living room is at/in the front.厨房位于房屋的后部,客厅位于房屋的前部。I see you've been playing around with the living room furniture again.我看见你又一直在摆弄客厅家具。There's been a decline in the living standards of old people.老年人的生活水平有所下降。They hung the painting in the living room.他们把那幅画挂在了客厅。In the living room, fresh flowers are used as handsome accents.起居室经鲜花一衬托显得很漂亮。The kitchen is almost equal in size to the living room.厨房和起居室几乎一样大。The women talked in the living room while the men were otherwise occupied.女人们在客厅里聊天,男人们则忙着别的什么。He raced into the living room with his package, excitedly pulling at the wrappings.他拿着包裹冲进客厅,兴奋地撕开包装袋。There was a prominent display of her photographs in the living room.客厅里醒目地挂着她的照片。Her ears tensed for conversation in the living room.她使劲竖起耳朵倾听起居室里的谈话。We measured the length and width of the living room.我们量了客厅的长和宽。We bought a three-piece suite for the living room.我们为起居室买了一套三件套家具。He sacked out on the living room couch.他睡在了客厅的沙发上。You'll have to sleep on a folding bed in the living room.你只好睡在起居室内的折叠床上了。Firefighters managed to confine the fire to the living room.消防队员成功地把火势控制在起居室内。We took up the carpet in the living room and replaced it with hardwood flooring.我们把客厅地毯撤掉,换成了硬木地板。At every turn smoke and flame stopped efforts to get into the living quarters.到处是烟雾和火焰,根本无法进入住处。I set up shop in the living room and made phone calls all afternoon.我在客厅办公,打了一个下午的电话。Janir had dropped off to sleep on the living room couch.亚尼尔已经在客厅的长沙发上睡着了。I love the living room, with its dark woodwork, oriental rugs, and chunky furniture.我喜欢起居室那深色的木构件、东方地毯和厚重的家具。Go on lads, beat the living daylights out of them!上啊,伙计们,狠狠揍他们一顿!I wish you wouldn't cut your fingernails in the living room.我希望你不要在起居室里剪指甲。All the living presidents attended Nixon's funeral.所有活著的总统参加了尼克森的葬礼。All the living beings spring from species,所有的生物均起源于物种。We paneled the living room with oak.我们给客厅铺了橡木板。The fire ripped through the living room.大火吞噬了客厅。Don't leave your smelly sneakers lying around the living room.别把你的臭鞋子脱在客厅里。She's the living image of her mother.她长得活像她母亲。I made some new curtains for the living room.我给起居室做了新窗帘。We've put up some new curtains in the living room.我们在起居室里挂上了新窗帘。I see you're back in the land of the living.我知道你已经醒了。She did a first-class job of decorating the living room.她把起居室装修得棒极了。The refugees in the camps are not getting enough to eat, and the living conditions are terrible.难民营里的人没有足够的食物吃,生活条件非常糟糕。She left her sewing in the living room.她把她的针线活儿放在客厅里了。They partitioned off part of the living room to make a study.他们把客厅隔出一部分当书房。Her work documented the living conditions in the slum district of the city.她的作品记实性地描述了这个城市贫民区的生活境况。




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