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词汇 the few
例句 The needs of the many have been ignored – instead, the priority has been to bring benefits only to the few.多数人的需要被忽视了 — 相反,只优先惠及了少数一部分人。This is one of the few instances where the director does not succeed.这是这位导演少数不成功的作品之一。Opera was an expensive luxury that appealed to the few.歌剧是少数人喜爱的昂贵享受。He joined the consular service, chiefly because this was one of the few job vacancies.他到领事馆工作,主要因为那是仅有的几个空缺职位之一。This is one of the few jobs you can do and get away with being completely drunk.这是你能干的为数不多的几份工作之一,喝得烂醉如泥也没人管。Katie was one of the few children who could read when she started kindergarten.凯蒂是少数几个上学前班的时候就会认字的孩子之一。Only the few advisers around the party leader understood his real motives.只有少数接近党领导人的顾问们才了解他的真正动机。Murder is one of the few offences that carries the death penalty.谋杀是少数要判处死刑的罪行之一。He fingered the few coins in his pocket.他拨弄着口袋里的几枚硬币。He is one of the few who know the story.他是少数几个知道内情的人之一。This really only benefits the few at the top of the social pyramid.这实际上只能使那些处于社会金字塔顶端的少数人受益。The firm soaked me for the few repairs they did to my house.这家公司给我的房子作了几处小修小补就敲了我一笔竹杠。She is one of the few paid public officials in a town run mostly by volunteers.她是这个主要靠志愿者管理的镇子里少数拿工资的公务员之一。It is one of the few businesses that has beaten the recession.这是摆脱了经济衰退困境的为数不多的企业之一。It's one of the few lakeside villages approachable by car.那是为数不多的可以开车过去的湖滨村庄之一。The army was one of the few institutions that the secret police did not manage to penetrate.军队是秘密警察未能设法渗入的为数不多的机构之一。The restaurant is one of the few venues for jazz music in the area.这家餐厅是该地区少数爵士乐演奏场所之一。An ugly shopping centre stands across from one of the few buildings with character.一座丑陋的购物中心正对着为数不多的几幢别具特色的大楼之一。Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes.在仅剩的几个水坑里,河马根本无法没入水中。He's one of the few sensible people on the council.他是政务会里少数明白事理的人之一。Not many people came, but the few people who did enjoyed themselves.来的人不多,但是来的那几个人玩得很尽兴。This war is another example of the few sacrificing their lives for the many.这场战争又是一个少数人为多数人牺牲的例子。He's one of the few honest politicians we have left.他是为数不多的诚实的政治家之一。It is one of the few countries where they still hold public executions.这是少数几个仍旧公开处决犯人的国家之一。It's one of the few delights that never palls.永不乏味的乐事寥寥无几,这是其中一件。A government should serve the many, not the few.政府应该为多数人,而不是少数人服务。Wodehouse is one of the few writers who can make me laugh out loud.沃德豪斯是少数几位能令我捧腹大笑的作家之一。This should not be an experience for the few.这不应是少数几个人的经历。This hospital is one of the few that are equipped to provide transplant surgery.这是少数配备了外科移植手术设备的医院之一。Only the few are likely to enjoy this film.只有少数人可能会欣赏这部影片。Further floods may have sealed the fate of the few remaining villages.这些少数幸存下来的村庄注定躲不过再发生的洪灾。Media coverage of the march focused on the few fights that broke out.媒体对示威游行的报道集中于爆发的几次斗殴。Most of the people I went to school with are gone now. I'm one of the few survivors.和我一起上学的人大多已经去世。我是少数的健在者之一。Only the few are likely to enjoy this music.只有少数人可能会欣赏这种音乐。He is one of the few players who puts bums on seats.他是为数不多的几个吸引观众的选手之一。It is a deeply chauvinist community where the few women who have jobs are ridiculed.这是个大男子主义情绪很强的地区,少有的几个有工作的妇女还遭到嘲笑。I don't see why the many should suffer because of the few idiots who cause trouble.我不明白为什么多数人要因为几个惹是生非的白痴而受苦。He was one of the few thousand committed Rastafarians in South Africa.他是南非仅有的几千名虔诚的拉斯塔法里教徒中的一员。It didn't take her long to pack the few clothes she would need.她没花多少时间就收拾好了那几件所需的衣物。I am one of the few young women who has made it as a writer financially and internationally.我是为数不多的既获得财富又享有国际知名度的年轻女作家之一。




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