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词汇 the end
例句 International stock markets saw declines at the end of the trading day.国际股市在交易日结束时下跌。A burst of hand-clapping followed the end of the song.歌声结束后是一阵热烈的掌声。At the end of the play the curtain came down to tremendous applause.剧终时,幕布在经久不息的掌声中落下。A huge chunk of the audience got up and left before the end of the show.演出还没结束,一大批观众就站起来离场了。Stock-market prices dipped to a low point at the end of the year.年终时股市价格降至低点。There are some good bits near the end of the story: one is the bit where the hero and the heroine are nearly separated.这个故事临近结尾处有几段精彩描写,其中之一是男女主人公差点分手的一段。The tape had run to the end but recorded nothing.磁带已经转到头了,但是什么也没录上。We have worked on the project for years and now can see the light at the end of the tunnel.我们从事这项工程已多年,现在终于成功在望了。I need to relax at the end of a hard day.辛苦工作一天后我需要放松一下。He tried to convince her not to go, but in the end he had to throw up his hands in despair.他努力说服她不要离开,但最后,他只好绝望地放弃努力。The exercises are keyed to examples at the end of the chapter.这些练习与本章最后的例子相关。In the end the Kurds surrendered without putting up any resistance.最后库尔德人没有作任何抵抗就投降了。The government hopes the court will announce its findings before the end of the month.政府希望法庭能在月底前宣布其判决结果。This then was the situation facing the government at the end of the war.这就是战争结束时摆在政府面前的情况。Our team put up a pretty good show, but we lost in the end.我们队表现得不错,不过最后还是输了。But there will be a second battle and a third battle, and battles to the end of time.但是还会有第二次、第三次战役,永无休止地打下去。 That passage comes towards the end of the book.那一段位于靠近书结尾的地方。Pete's assignment was hard but he saw it out to the end.要皮特做的事很难,但他坚持把它完成。Her death marked the end of an era. 她的死标志着一个时代的终结。In the end I was unable to attend the conference, owing to financial difficulties.由于经济拮据,最终我未能去参加会议。If you look at the end of your nose, your eyes converge.如果你看着你的鼻尖,你的两眼就向一点集中。They set out to prospect the house at the end of the street.他们着手查看街道尽头那幢房子。The book has exercises at the end of every chapter.该书每一章的后面都有练习题。Gibson's left eye is completely closed before the end of round one.在第一回合结束前,吉布森的左眼完全闭上了。Students are tested at the end of each stage of the course.学生在课程的每个阶段结束时接受测试。Kane had tried to face down Opel, but in the end he had blinked first.凯恩本想压倒奥佩尔,但最后不得不首先认输。In her latest film, the story is told in reverse. We see the main character as an adult in the beginning and as a child at the end.在她的最新影片中,故事以倒叙形式讲述。我们看到的主人公在开头是成年人,在结尾是孩子。He met the end he deserved.他死得其所。Old age catches up with everyone in the end.每个人最终都会变老。A special medal has been struck to celebrate the end of the war.为纪念战争结束铸造了一枚特殊的纪念章。At the end the road divaricated.在终点那条道路分叉了。In the end, we are all accountable for our actions.我们最终都要对自己的行为负责。I'd had a bellyful of his family by the end of the weekend.到周末的时候,我已经受够了他一家人。By the end of the play, the main characters have all either died or gone mad.到了戏剧的结尾,主要人物都非死即疯。Whoever benefits from the new government programs, the American taxpayer is bound to lose out in the end.无论是谁从政府的新计划中获益,最终吃亏的肯定都是美国的纳税人。It took a long time to get to know him, but we became good friends in the end.我花了很长时间才了解他,但我们最终成了好朋友。It may rain by the end of the day, but we plan to carry on regardless.傍晚的时候可能会下雨,但是我们打算无论如何都要进行下去。The trial is expected to last until the end of the week.审判预计要持续到周末。Try not to worry. I'm sure everything will work out in the end.不要担心,我相信最后问题总会解决的。In the end he got off because there wasn't enough evidence against him.最后他因为证据不足没有受到惩罚。




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