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词汇 the elderly
例句 Arthritis is a common complaint among the elderly.关节炎是老年人的一种常见病。We work mainly with the elderly and other vulnerable groups.我们主要和老年人以及其他弱势群体打交道。It's particularly contemptible that these sort of people prey on the elderly.这种人坑害老年人真是太卑鄙了。The programs have been highly successful at reducing poverty rates among the elderly.这些计划非常奏效,大大降低了老年人的贫困率。We must ensure proper standards of care for the elderly.我们必须确保老年人得到适当的照料。Many of the elderly are on medication.许多老年人都需按时服药。The association is advising pregnant women, the very young and the elderly to avoid such foods.该协会一直建议孕妇、小孩和老人避免食用这些食物。The study shows an increase in the disease among the elderly.该研究证明该疾病在老年人中有所增加。The inspectors make sure that the elderly residents are well cared for.督察员确保老年人都得到很好的照顾。A home for the elderly will be built on the site of the old hospital.养老院将建在医院的旧址上。The nursing home provides for all the needs of the elderly.这家疗养所会满足老人的一切需要。Care facilities for the elderly are inadequate.老年人的护理设施很缺乏。The nurse disrobed the elderly patient expertly.护士熟练地脱去了较老病人的衣服。The city is building new housing for the elderly.这座城市正在为老年人修建新的住房。Local authorities are required by statute to provide care homes for the elderly.法律规定地方政府须为老年人设立养老院。Many of the elderly were on medication.许多老年人都需按时服药。Houses occupied by the elderly need central heating.老年人居住的房子需要集中供暖。The system allowed the elderly to prolong their working lives.这一制度允许老年人多做几年工作。The association is advising pregnant women, the very young and the elderly to avoid such foods.协会建议孕妇、儿童和老年人不要食用此类食物。It will be marketed as a tonic for the elderly.这将作为老年人滋补品在市场上销售。Children and the elderly are entitled to cheap train tickets.儿童和老人可以享受廉价火车票。The group that makes up the largest contingent of voters in this area is the elderly.本地区最大的选民团体由年长者构成。The Internet promotes the social inclusion of groups such as the elderly and disabled.因特网促进了老年人、残疾人等群体融入社会。Access is restricted to the elderly.只有老年人可进入。Ella is the elderly lady who lives next door.埃拉是住在隔壁的老太太。A significant proportion of the elderly are dependent on the basic state pension.老年人中很大一部分依靠基本政府养老金过活。These plans encourage the elderly to retain their independence.这些计划鼓励老年人保持自立。The new law on pensions is an outrage against the elderly.新的养老金法是对老年人的严重伤害。Violent crimes against the elderly are fortunately very uncommon.针对老年人的暴力犯罪幸而非常罕见。Isn't it time we did something to protect the elderly from unscrupulous business people?我们是否该采取些措施来保护老年人免受奸商的欺骗?They run a retirement home for the elderly.他们经营一家养老院。Women and the elderly refuse to leave their apartments, for fear of the hooligans who rule the streets.妇女和老人不肯离开公寓,因为他们害怕那些横行街道的流氓。He cheated the elderly couple out of their property.他骗取了那老两口的财产。Any reduction in community care for the elderly will have a knock-on effect on hospitals.削减社区老人服务会对医院服务带来连锁反应。




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