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词汇 the classroom
例句 He turned the handle of the door and went into the classroom.他旋动门把手,走进教室。The bell went and everyone rushed out of the classroom.下课铃一响,大家都冲出了教室。The head teacher shouldn't be trying to micromanage what happens in the classroom.校长不应该对课堂上发生的事情采取细节管理的方式。Our aim is to allow student teachers to become familiar with the classroom.我们的目标就是让实习教师熟悉课堂。The students began to enter the classroom and Anna was startled at their loudness.学生们开始进入教室。安娜被他们的喧闹声吓了一跳。A video is a useful aid in the classroom.录像在课堂教学中是有用的教具。I don't know exactly what took place in the classroom.我不太清楚教室里究竟发生了什么事。They catapulted into the classroom.他们飞快地跑进教室。It is quieter in the classroom than in the office.在教室里比在办公室里安静。A teacher's sphere is the classroom.教师的活动范围就是教室。She attempted in vain to introduce some order into the classroom.她试图让课堂秩序好一些,但却白费力气。To start with, one of the biggest problems in the classroom is that the kids don't get enough discipline at home.首先班里最大的问题之一是这些孩子在家里都不够有规矩。Jean is cooperative and helpful in the classroom.琼在班上富于合作精神,并乐于助人。Miss Abbot led me through the classroom to an empty desk in the front.阿博特小姐领着我穿过教室到前面一张空着的书桌前。He picked up a pointer and crossed the classroom to the wall map.他拿起教鞭,走到教室那头挂在墙上的地图前方。We didn't have time to clean thoroughly, but gave the classroom a lick and a promise.我们没有时间彻底打扫,只是把教室草率地打扫了一下。Language teachers often use role-play in the classroom.语言教师经常在课堂上使用角色扮演的方法。It's your turn to clean the classroom up.该轮到你们打扫教室了。You must quieten down when the teacher comes into the classroom.老师来到教室时你们必须安静下来。A particularly observant child, he noticed even the slightest changes in the classroom.他是一个观察力极其敏锐的孩子,甚至连教室里的一点点微小的变化都能觉察出来。The examiner never left the classroom to make sure there was no cheating.主考人一刻也没有离开教室以确保不发生作弊。Bored with the classroom lecture, she drifted off to dreamland. 她感到课堂讲授很无聊,便慢慢进入了神游状态。Students are expected to be quiet and obedient in the classroom.学生们在课堂上应该安静听话。Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom.学生们学会了将课堂上学到的理论付诸实际应用。Spit your gum out before you come into the classroom.进教室之前把口香糖吐掉。He thrust past me into the classroom.他从我身边挤进教室。Just as the teacher plays the role of leader in the classroom, so does the headteacher play a leadership role in the school.在课堂上老师扮演着领导者的角色,同样,在学校里校长也充当着领导者的角色。Other students rushed out of the classroom, but she kept behind.其他同学都冲出了教室,但她留在了后面。The pupils are racketing about in the classroom.学生们在教室里吵吵闹闹。If you don't do your homework, you can leave the classroom.你要是不做作业,就离开教室。The laughter blanked out when the teacher came in the classroom.当老师进入教室时笑声渐渐消失。He had a reputation for making trouble in the classroom.他以在班上制造麻烦出名。In some parts of the city, teachers have to deal with violence in the classroom.在本市的某些地方,老师要应付教室里的暴力事件。Suddenly the teacher roared my name across the classroom.突然,老师在教室那头大声叫着我的名字。Teachers have been using visual aids in the classroom for decades.教师几十年来都在课堂上使用直观教具。The students are coming into the classroom by twos and threes.学生们正三三两两地走进教室。I especially like the idea of using music in the classroom.我格外喜欢在课堂上使用音乐的想法。The pupils trotted to the classroom.学生们慢跑到教室。The teacher rattled out a story and left the classroom.教师匆匆地讲了一个故事就离开了教室。His father rushed in when we were having an examination in the classroom last Wednesday.上星期三我们正在教室考试的时候他的父亲闯了进来。




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