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词汇 the City
例句 They turned up the heat in the second half mounting attack after attack on the City goal.他们在下半场加强了攻势,向城市队的球门发起了一波又一波进攻。The first meeting will be in the City Hall, but all subsequent meetings will be held in the school.第一次会议将在市政府大楼召开,但以后的各次会议均会在学校举行。It was very conveniently situated just across the road from the City Reference Library.它就在市工具书图书馆的马路对面,十分便利。Just a stone's throw away is the City Art Gallery.不远处就是市美术馆。As it transpired, the Labour government did not dare go against the pressures exerted by the City.后来人们得知,工党政府不敢与伦敦金融界施加的压力相对抗。He looks every inch the City businessman.他完全是一副伦敦金融城商界人士的派头。The news rocked the City of London back on its heels.这个消息让整个伦敦为之震惊。He left the public service and embarked on a career in the City.他离开政府部门,来到伦敦城开始了一份事业。He has been mixed up in a number of shady deals in the City.他卷入了伦敦城的几桩非法交易里。To the discomfort of its citizens, the city has a neo-Nazi on the City Council.该市有一名新纳粹分子任市议会议员,这使市民们感到忐忑不安。Quentin's supporters were clearly in a minority as the City Council heard arguments for his dismissal.在市政会听取有关昆廷被开除的辩论时,支持昆廷的人显然只有少数。Bankers and clockmakers have coexisted in the City for hundreds of years.银行家与钟表匠已经在伦敦商业区共同存在好几百年了。The pound's weakness compounded the widespread gloom in the City.英镑的疲软加重了笼罩在伦敦金融区上空的惨淡愁云。Lawrence, in a fit of pique, left the Army and took up a career in the City.劳伦斯一气之下离开了陆军,在伦敦金融城开始了工作。They are holding a fund-raising reception on Friday in the City Hall.星期五,他们要在市政厅举行筹款招待会。He left a job in the City to take up farming.他辞去伦敦商业区的工作,开始务农。He has squared the circle of keeping the City happy and doing something to improve business cash flow.他做到了不可能做到的事,既让伦敦城满意,又增加了企业的现金流量。He was given the Freedom of the City of Dublin by the Lord Mayor.市长阁下亲自向他颁发了都柏林市荣誉市民称号。Peter was made a Freeman of the City of London.彼得获授伦敦市荣誉市民的称号。Despite all the doom and gloom in the City, there are still some bright spots in the stock market.虽然绝望的情绪弥漫了整个城市,但股市仍有一些使人们重燃希望的亮点。The statue was acquired at great expense by the City Corporation.该塑像被城市公司以高价收购。If you have time, pay a visit to the City Art Gallery.如果你有时间,去参观一下市美术馆。He led a demonstration through the City.他带领示威的队伍穿过伦敦城。Ann and I attended a dinner at the City Chamber of Commerce.我和安出席了在市商会举行的晚宴。A girl's basketball camp is being organized by the City Recreation Department.市康乐局正在筹组一个女子篮球营。Once again, the City Council has decided to ignore the interests of the taxpayers.市议会再一次决定置纳税人的利益于不顾。Episodes 1 and 2 of Tales of the City will be shown together on Tuesday.《城市故事》的第一、二集将于星期二两集连播。The news will startle the City.这个消息会让伦敦商业区的人们大吃一惊。




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