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The gardener nipped the leaves off the bush with his fingers.园丁用手指掐掉灌木上的叶子。Don't beat around the bush. Ask for your account to be paid, and paid quickly.别转弯抹角地开不了口,就跟他们明说拿钱来把账结了,马上结掉。The rabbit started from the bush.野兔从灌木丛中突然窜了出来。It's important to prune the bush every year to encourage new growth.每年修剪对促进灌木生长很重要。We trimmed the bush into a heart shape.我们把灌木丛修剪成心形。Break a leaf off the bush, rub it between your fingers, and smell the lemony scent.从灌木中摘一片叶子用手指捻搓,就能嗅到柠檬香。He crashed through the bush and blanched a deer.他冲过灌木丛拦住了一头鹿。There's no point in beating about the bush, so I'll give it to you straight.也没有必要转弯抹角,我就有话直说吧。He doesn't beat about the bush.他说话不转弯抹角。She recently spent several weeks in the bush.她最近在丛林野地待了几个星期。The ceasefire itself could prove stillborn if rebel units in the bush keep on fighting.如果丛林地带的叛军继续开火,那停火协议本身就可能起不到任何作用。He sank down out of sight behind the bush.他在树丛后面蹲下,不见了踪影。When the bush has finished flowering, cut back all the stems.等这丛灌木开完花后,把所有的茎干都修剪一下。The owner received an offer during the week, and in this uncertain climate thought a bird in the hand was worth two in the bush.本周物主收到了一个报价,在这种不确定的形势下他认为一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。He squatted behind the bush to avoid being seen.他蹲在灌木丛后面以免被人看见。The dog was grubbing about under the bush, looking for a bone.那狗在灌木丛中翻找骨头。Now stop beating about the bush and tell me what happened!别再绕圈子了,快告诉我发生了什么事! They went out into the bush.他们远赴丛林。Doug has a yarn or two to tell me about his trips into the bush.道格要给我讲几个他到荒野地区旅行的奇遇故事。You'll have to dig up the bush yourself.你得自己把这丛灌木挖掉。Stop beating around the bush and tell me the truth.别拐弯抹角了,告诉我真相。A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。Stop beating about the bush. What's he done?别再拐弯抹角了,他到底干了什么?Come straight out with it, don't hesitate or beat about the bush.有什么说什么吧,不要犹犹豫豫、拐弯抹角的。Don't beat about the bush - get to the point.别转弯抹角了,直说吧。She used the nippers to prune the bush.她用剪钳修整灌木丛。If you want to leave, just say so instead of beating around the bush.如果你想走就直说,别绕弯子了。Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help promote vigorous growth in the spring.秋天将灌木丛剪短有利于它在春天茁壮生长。He raced ahead up into the bush, barking and snarling.它嗥叫着冲向前,一头钻进了灌木丛。The two big stringybarks were the dominant trees in the bush.这两株大桉树是灌木丛中的优势树。Why should you beat about the bush when asking for better wages?你要求加薪又何必拐弯抹角呢? Cut off any suckers growing at the base of the bush.请把灌木丛底部长出的根出条都割掉。Don't beat around the bush - get to the point!别兜圈子了——有话直说!Stop beating around the bush and tell me why you're here.别拐弯抹角了,告诉我你为什么在这里。He is frank and outspoken and never beats about the bush.他有意见就坦率地提出来,从不转弯抹角。The lion slunk off into the bush.狮子悄悄走开钻进了灌木丛。 |