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词汇 the brush
例句 They came thrashing through the brush.他们奋力穿过灌木丛而来。Women with longer nails should leave more polish on the brush.女人如果指甲较长,就要在刷子上多涂些指甲油。The deer disappeared into the brush.鹿消失在灌木丛中。The hunters beat the brush for game.猎人拍打树丛以惊起猎物。She dipped the brush lightly in the varnish.她把刷子在清漆中轻轻蘸了蘸。He turned out to be the man she'd had the brush with when she first arrived.他原来就是她刚到时与她发生过小争执的人。We spotted a jackrabbit hidden in the brush.我们看见一只长耳大野兔躲在灌木丛中。She felt the brush of his coat as he hurried by.他匆匆走过时她感到他的外衣擦着了她。Prop the brush in the corner of the cupboard.把刷子放在柜子的角落里。She leaned the brush against the wall.她把刷子靠在墙上。I accidentally dripped paint from the brush.我不当心让画笔滴下颜料。He dipped the brush into the paint bucket.他拿画笔蘸颜料桶中的颜料。I ran the brush through my hair and dashed out.我用刷子刷了一下头发,冲了出去。Hold the brush at right angles to the surface.刷子要和表面垂直。




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