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词汇 the boy
例句 The doting grandmother smiled and chatted about how well the boy was doing at school.那位溺爱孙子的祖母微笑着大谈这孩子在学校里表现如何如何好。The man went to prison but the boy got off with a warning.那个男子坐牢去了,而那个男孩只受到警告而没有受处罚。Mother told the boy to wash the soap off.妈妈让男孩把肥皂冲掉。She clouted the boy across the face.她狠狠地给了那男孩一个耳光。He spluttered the boy next to him with ink.他把墨水溅在旁边的男孩身上。The accident left the boy severely brain-damaged and almost totally reliant on others.那次事故使这个男孩脑部严重受损,生活几乎完全依赖别人。She tried many ploys to get the boy interested in her.她试过很多伎俩去赢取男孩的青睐。It became more and more obvious that the boy was using drugs.情况越来越明显,那男孩在吸毒。The doctor told the boy to put out his tongue.医生告诉男孩把舌头伸出来。As the story unfolds, we learn that the boy became an orphan when he was one year old.随着故事的展开,我们得知那个男孩一岁就成了孤儿。People heard the boy cussing his father for getting in his way.人们听到这个男孩嫌父亲碍事而骂他父亲。Her parents betrothed her to the boy of the neighboring village.她父母在她年幼时就把她许配给邻村的一个小男孩。He was manhandling the boy.他粗暴地对待那个男孩His mother's death left the boy feeling utterly helpless and alone.母亲的去世令这男孩感到孤苦伶仃。I tracked the boy as far as the factory, but there his trail went cold.我追踪那名男孩一直到工厂,但他已踪影全无。They laid the boy back on the bed.他们把小男孩放回床上。We have joint custody, but the boy lives with his mother.我们有共同监护权,不过儿子与母亲同住。The room's sole occupants were the boy and a big hound.这个房间里只住著一个男孩和一条大猎狗。Everyone works, from the boy who sweeps the floor up to the President.从扫地工起,上至总裁,人人都工作。Even when the waves grew big, the boy showed no (signs of) fear.即使浪再大,这个男孩也毫无惧色。The teacher remonstrated with the boy about his low grades.教师告诫男孩,说他的分数太低了。We are apprehensive that the boy will be hurt.我们生怕那男孩会遭到伤害。She took the boy by the hand and led him from the room.她牵着男孩的手领他出了房间。The post-mortem showed that the boy had died from strangulation.尸体解剖表明男孩是被人勒死的。She took the boy to the side and told him to behave.她把男孩带到一边,告诉他要守规矩。He clipped the boy on the jaw.他猛击男孩的下巴。The overpowering despair that he'd fought so hard to keep at bay washed through the boy.一直极力压制的绝望情绪终于将男孩击垮了。When the boy was about to utter words,he was bellowed off.那个男孩正想说话就被呵斥得闭上了嘴。He was dependable, straightforward, the boy next door.他是个值得信赖、诚实坦率的邻家男孩。The teacher whetted the boy forward.老师鼓励那个男孩。The fireman plunged into burning building and saved the boy.消防队员闯进燃烧的建筑物,救出了那个孩子。Leave the boy with me-I'll soon knock him into shape!把这男孩交给我,我会很快把他调教好的!You should ease up on the boy and stop scolding him.你对这男孩子应该宽容一点,别再骂他了。He rightly assumed that the boy was hiding.他猜准那个男孩是藏起来了。He tried to inculcate a respect for all living things in the boy.他设法教育这个男孩要尊重一切有生命的东西。In his mother's eyes, the boy can do no wrong.在他的母亲看来,她的孩子不会做坏事。The teacher made an example of the boy who copied from another student during a test.教师当众惩戒在考试中抄袭他人的男孩以儆效尤。The teacher put the boy in his place with just a glance.老师只投去一瞥就使那男孩规规矩矩了。Something the boy said to him teed him off.不知那个男孩说了些什么,惹恼了他。They rigged the boy out as a sailor.他们把那个小孩打扮成水手的样子。




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