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例句 The Prime Minister's speech today signals that there will be a shake-up in the cabinet.首相今天的讲话表明内阁将进行改组。I hastened to assure her that there was no danger.我赶紧向她保证不会有什么危险。Some officers claim that there are no drugs on their patch.有些官员声称他们的管辖区内没有毒品。I am reliably informed that there are plans to close this school.我得到可靠消息,说有计划要关闭这所学校。I've never denied that there is a housing problem.我从未否认过存在住房问题。There seems to be a widespread illusion that there are no class barriers anymore.似乎有一种普遍存在的错觉,以为阶级障碍已不存在了。Country folk can tell you that there are certain places which animals avoid.老乡会告诉你有些地方动物是不会去的。I understand that there are a number of projects going on. Could you tell us a little bit about those?.我知道目前正在进行许多项目。能否请您简单谈一谈那些项目?She reached the conclusion that there was no more she could do.她得出结论,她再也没有什么可做的了。Check that there is no obstruction of the patient's airway.要查清病人的气道没有阻塞。He reminds Bellick that they have a killer on the loose and that there are some things that are more important than a career.狱长提醒他,一个在逃的杀人犯对社会造成的损害比起他们的仕途更加重要。Sources inside the company indicate that there are disagreements about the change in management.来自公司内部的消息表明,对于管理层人员的变动尚存分歧。The least I can do is warn them that there is a danger.我起码可以提醒他们有危险。Further to your letter, I agree that there are some presentational problems, politically speaking.正如贵方信中所提到的,我也认为从政治角度来说,有一些词语表意上的问题。I think that there is every chance that you will succeed.我想你取得成功的机会很大。No one would deny that there is a very great need for change.没有人会否认亟须变革。The doctor told them that there was a danger their baby would be born dead or brain damaged.医生告诉他们,胎儿生下来可能会是死胎或有脑损伤。As we flew over the mountains we could see that there were snowy peaks beneath.我们飞过群山时看到了底下被雪覆盖著的山巅。The report claimed that there were at least 20,000 inefficient teachers that needed to be weeded out.报告中称,至少有两万名不称职的教师需要淘汰。The judge held that there was an arguable case of libel.法官认为有一例有证据证明的诽谤案。The clear message of the scientific reports is that there should be a drastic cut in car use.那些科学报告清清楚楚地告诉人们应该大幅削减汽车使用量。Mother was worried that there would be nobody around in the event of a sudden attack of sickness.妈妈担心患急病时身边没人。We cannot ignore the fact that there is a shortage of qualified nurses.我们不能忽视缺少合格护士这一事实。Do you think that there is any receptive audience for his remarks.你觉得有人愿意接受他的言论吗?The president announced that there would be an amnesty for all who now came over to him.总统宣布,所有现在倒戈支持他的人都可以得到赦免。Most analysts expected that there would be a change in policy.大多数分析家预计政策会有所改变。The fall in property prices means that there are a lot of bargains waiting to be snapped up.房地产价格下跌意味着会有许多廉价的房屋可供抢购。He promised that there would be no more sackings.他保证不会再裁员了。The government has denied that there was a plot to assassinate the president.政府否认曾有人密谋暗杀总统。We live in hope that there will be some survivors of the crash.我们抱着一线希望,希望那次坠机事故能有一些幸存者。We learnt fast that there was no future in hanging around British, Swedish, or German boats. No pickings there.我们很快就意识到在英国人、瑞典人和德国人的船上闲荡是徒劳的。那里没有什么好处可捞。We are now beginning to believe that there may be life on other planets.我们现在开始相信其他行星上可能有生物。He is anxious that there should be no delay.他非常希望不会出现延误。The report shows that there is room for improvement.报告表明还有改进的余地。Some Western scientists believe that there are still a few cosmonauts of Russia operating independently in outer space.有一些西方科学家认为太空中还有一些俄国宇航员在独立运作。Studies have shown that there is a greater likelihood of teenagers having car accidents.研究显示,十几岁的青少年发生车祸的可能性更高。So far as anyone can tell, there's evidence that there was a Robin Hood.众所周知,有证据表明确实有罗宾汉这么个人。We deny absolutely that there has been any wrongdoing.我们完全否认有任何不当行为。Sceptics will tell you that there is no such thing as reincarnation and that living a previous life is a figment of the subject's imagination.怀疑论者会对你说没有转世轮回这种事,前世生活只不过是当事人的幻觉罢了。Witnesses say that there was an explosion and then the plane dropped like a stone.目击证说听到一声爆炸,然后飞机象石头一样坠落地面。




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