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词汇 that place
例句 I swear to God I was never at that place.我对上帝起誓我从未到过那个地方。Believe me, you could run that place with your eyes closed.相信我,你闭着眼睛都能经营好那地方。Neither glamour nor scenery is a long suit in that place.那地方并无什么魅力,景色也不优美。I had a feeling about that place.我对那个地方有某种感觉。Iam telling you, yaar, that place is no good.我告诉你,老兄,那地方不好。She was afraid she would get sick if she stayed in that place any longer.她担心再在那个地方待下去会生病。I'm not moving to that place - it's out in the boondocks.我不要搬到那个地方去—太偏僻了。I can't tell you how glad I was to leave that place.你不知道离开那个地方我有多高兴。We want that place kept under constant observation.我们要求长期监视那个地方。He groaned inwardly at the thought of spending another day in that place.一想到要在那儿再待上一天,他就暗自叫苦。You went to Camp Chippewa too? I hated that place.你也去过奇珀瓦营地吗?我很讨厌那个地方。A little later I left that place and never set foot in Texas again.之后没多久我离开了那个地方,从此再也没有回过得克萨斯。What was the name of that place we drove through on the way to New York?我们开车去纽约的路上穿过的那个地方叫什么名字?They'll never let us back in that place after the way you behaved.你的举止如此不堪,他们再也不会让我们回到那里去了。I pity anyone who has to work at that place.我同情任何不得不在那个地方干活的人。Do you remember we went down to that place along the river and had a barbecue?你记得我们顺河而下到过那个地方,还吃了顿烧烤吗?I must have driven past that place thousands of times.我得有上千次开车经过那里。At that place I was puzzled by the sensation of dèjà vu.在那地方我被一种似曾经历的幻觉所迷惑。She will always associate that place with her youth.她会一直把这个地方与她的青春联系在一起。Martin knows that place like the palm of his hand.马丁对那个地方了如指掌。I keep thinking about Joe, all alone in that place.我老是想到乔,他独自一个人在那种地方。What was that place where they'd had dinner? It was on the tip of her tongue.他们一起吃过饭的那地方叫什么?她一时想不起来。No-one in living memory has come back from that place alive.在人们的记忆中,没有人从那个地方生还。I couldn't get out of that place soon enough.我恨不得马上离开那个地方。The prices in that place have to be seen to be believed!那里东西的价格如果不是亲眼所见真难以置信!




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