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词汇 that night
例句 The merchants lied at a caravanserai that night.商人们那天晚上在商队旅馆过夜。Hardly anyone slept that night.那天晚上几乎没人睡觉。She was/got totally blitzed that night.她那晚喝得烂醉如泥。She told me she would have to dine with Helen that night.她告诉我那夜她必须与海伦一起进餐。An unearthly silence settled on the streets that night.那天晚上街道静得可怕。The moon was almost full that night.那晚,月亮几乎是满月。She had planned to go to bed early that night, but a friend stopped by to see her.那天晚上她本来是要早睡的,可是有一个朋友过来看她。Matt Damon doubled up, winning two Oscars that night.麥特·戴蒙再次胜出,那晚获得了两项奥斯卡奖。When he didn't come home that night, it was the last straw.他那晚没回家,事情已让人忍无可忍了。He insisted that the security council be reconvened that night to authorise the rapid reaction force.他坚持安理会连夜再次召开会议以授权快速反应部队介入。We spent that night in the open.那夜我们在野外度过。From the evidence gathered from witnesses we should be able to work out what happened that night.根据从证人那里搜集到的证据来看,我们应该能搞清楚那晚发生什么事了。Insomnia is one of my curses, but not that night.失眠是让我苦恼透顶的一件事,不过那晚我没失眠。I'm supposed to be helping my sister that night, but I'll try to work things so that I can come to your party.那天晚上我要去给妹妹帮忙,但是我会设法安排一下,好去参加你的聚会。He gave her a lift back to London that night.那天晚上他让她搭他的车回伦敦。The memory of that night is still clear in his mind.那天晚上的记忆在他的脑海中仍然非常清晰。Normally, she was a good sleeper, but that night she lay awake, tossing and turning.通常她睡得很沉,可那天晚上她躺在床上翻来覆去,怎么也睡不着。I don't believe we have anything planned for that night, but let me check with my other half.我想那天晚上我们没什么安排,不过还是让我和我爱人确认一下。As he lay in his hospital bed that night, he cried as he contemplated his future.那天晚上,他躺在医院的病床上,想到未来,他哭了起来。She tells the story of that night with self-deprecating humour.她以幽默自嘲的口吻讲述那一夜的故事。The story goes that she went home with him that night.据说她那天晚上跟他一起回了家。I was forced to sleep rough that night in a disused warehouse.那晚我不得不在一个废弃的仓库里随便找个地方睡。She said she was unaware of the problem and noted that everything was fine when she went home that night.她说她没意识到这个问题,并且指出那晚当她回家时一切正常。You sounded so doleful about your future that night.那晚你的话听起来对自己的前途深感忧伤。Susan looked radiant that night in her white and silver dress.那晚苏珊穿着白色与银灰色相间的晚礼服,看上去光彩照人。The decision to drive that night nearly cost him his life. 那天晚上开车的决定差点让他丧命。He had an airtight alibi for that night.他有无懈可击的证据证明那一夜他不在犯罪现场。His usual vitality failed to break through a lethargic attitude that night.那天夜里他一副冷漠的样子,平时那种奕奕活力被严实地掩盖了。Jonnie said he was going to a voodoo ceremony that night.乔尼说那天晚上他要去参加一场伏都教仪式。The image Sue projected was both a come-on and a challenge to every man in the club that night.那天晚上,苏摆出的样子对夜总会里所有的男人来说既是挑逗又是一种挑衅。She gave a videotaped deposition about what she saw that night.关于那天晚上她的所见,她提供了一段录像作为证据。I never slept a wink that night.我那夜整夜没合眼。Gary was too drunk to remember what had happened that night.加里醉得很厉害,以致无法记起当晚发生的事。Hardly anyone slept well that night.那天晚上几乎没有人睡踏实。Though there are no other witnesses, she insists she saw a man in the yard that night.虽然没有其他证人,但她坚持说当晚她在院子里看到一个男人。We talked up late that night.那天晚上我们热烈谈论到深夜。He had never felt such ecstasy as he did that night.那天晚上的极度喜悦,是他从来没有感受过的。I can tell you, there was a celebration in our house that night.告诉你,那天晚上我家开了个庆祝会。I was at a party in London that night.那天晚上我在伦敦参加一个聚会。So we hopped a bus to Phoenix that night.于是我们那天晚上便坐上了到凤凰城的公共汽车。




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