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词汇 that much
例句 You need your head examined if you're willing to spend that much on a pair of jeans.如果你愿意花那么多钱买一条牛仔裤,那你肯定是脑袋有问题。He must be out of his mind to have spent that much money on an old car!他准是昏了头,花那么多钱在一辆旧汽车上!An extra pair of hands will make the job that much easier.再多一个帮手就会使工作容易得多。I didn't like the book that much.我并不怎么喜欢这本书。I know it's exciting, but you should think twice before you spend that much money on a vacation.我知道这很让人兴奋,但是在假期上花那么多钱之前要仔细考虑一下。I wouldn't want that much pressure, but she seems to thrive on it.我不愿承担那么多的压力,但她却好像乐在其中。The speaker emphasized that much of South Africa's importance lay in its mineral wealth.发言者强调说南非的重要性很大程度在于它丰富的矿藏。Gwen had not seen her Daddy all that much, because mostly he worked on the ships.格温一直不常见到她父亲,因为他大部分时间在船上工作。I'm not that much on the inside.我并不深知内情。He is unhappy that much of the show took his comments out of context.节目对他的言论大多断章取义,对此他很不高兴。Only a mug would pay that much for a meal.只有傻瓜才会吃一顿饭付那么多钱呢。These sales figures must be out. We certainly haven't made that much money this year.这些销售金额一定算错了。今年我们肯定没有赚到那么多钱。He isn't all that much older than me.他年龄比我大不了多少。I don't think it matters all that much.我认为这关系不大。We do have the capacity to produce that much food.我们确实有能力生产那么多粮食。Charging that much to see a movie is highway robbery!看场电影要花这么多钱简直是抢劫!It's not realistic to expect people to spend that much money on wedding gifts.指望人们花那么多钱买结婚礼物不现实。Janis was forced to concede that much of her argument was based on prejudice.贾尼斯被迫承认,她的不少论点是有偏见的。I'm quite pleased that we do have the capacity to produce that much food.我很高兴我们确实有能力生产这么多粮食。You have to be bonkers to gamble that much.你那样狂赌一定是疯了。It's physically impossible for a child to lift that much at once.一个孩子不可能有力气一下子拿起那么重的东西。You really should go to see a doctor if your leg hurts that much. It's just common sense!你的腿要是疼得厉害,你就确实应该去看医生。这是常识!If you give quality players that much space, they will punish you.比赛时如果你给优秀球队那么大的活动空间,他们会让你吃苦头的。The Home Office acknowledges that much crime goes unreported.内政部承认很多犯罪活动没有举报。Oh stop blubbing! Your knee can't hurt that much.噢,别哭了!你的膝盖伤得没那么厉害。It is madness for a country to spend that much on its military.一个国家投那样的巨资在军备上是愚蠢的。He needs his head examined, paying that much money for an old wreck of a car.他真是冒傻气,花那么多钱买一辆破汽车。I would guess that she didn't earn that much.我认为她没赚那么多钱。What would you do with that much money?你会如何处理那么多的钱?We can never go back again, that much is certain.我们永远回不去了,这一点可以肯定。 He felt that much unhappiness was due to sexual repression.他感到许多的不快都是由性压抑引起的。We recoiled at the prospect of having to spend that much money to fix the car.一想到要花那么多钱修车,我们就退缩了。It was obvious that much of what they recorded was far from the truth.显然,他们所记录的很多根本不是事实。Research workers are well aware that much of their time and effort is unproductive.研究人员很清楚,他们的很多时间和精力全都是白费。Well, he does admit it when he's wrong, I'll say that much for him.嗯,有错他确实是会承认的,这我要替他说句好话。There was only that much left in the bottle.瓶子里剩下的只有这么多了。He missed hitting the car in front by that much.他差这么点就撞上前面的车了。He now frankly admits that much of his former playboy lifestyle was superficial.他现在坦率承认自己以前浪荡不羁的生活方式很大程度上是浅薄的。I wasn't prepared to spend that much money.我没打算花那么多的钱。Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, given that I don't earn that much.考虑到自己挣得不多,我用钱通常比较精打细算,这也是迫不得已。




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