例句 |
Jane's a bit tetchy this morning.简今天上午有点犯急。He was in a particularly tetchy mood yesterday.昨天他情绪特别不好。She can be a bit tetchy but her bark is worse than her bite.她有时候脾气有点暴躁,但却是刀子嘴豆腐心。He was sacked for being tetchy with a titled client.他因向一位有头衔的顾客突然发脾气而被解雇。She was in a tetchy mood.她那时情绪急躁。Be careful what you say to Anna - she's been a little tetchy lately.你跟安娜说话时得小心点——她近来情绪很不好。You always get tetchy when you're hungry.你一饿的时候火气就大。 |